Home Garrettsville Garrettsville Approves Appointment of New Full-Time Police Officer

Garrettsville Approves Appointment of New Full-Time Police Officer


Garrettsville –  Village Council, by a unanimous vote, approved the appointment of Matthew Noah as a new full-time police officer for the village.  Noah’s appointment fills the position left vacant by the retirement of Officer Mark Rich.  Councilman Kaiser, a member of the village’s safety committee, stated that there were two great candidates for the position, and it was a difficult pick.  Noah brings great experience with him including his work with the Portage County Drug Task Force.

Mayor Patrick introduced Todd Peetz from the Portage County Regional Planning Commission (PCRPC).  Peetz informed council about the services that the PCRPC has to offer county communities.  In their 2012 annual report, the PCRPC administered $714,813 in Community Development Block Grant funds and Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds.  They are also in process of developing a countywide asset mapping service.  Additionally, PCRPC offers educational and networking opportunities for communities through Quarterly Zoning Inspector Meetings.  Topics in 2012 included internet cafes, hydraulic fracturing, property maintenance and fair housing.  The PCRPC has been instrumental in developing collaboration between cities, villages and townships of Portage County through Planning, Revitalization, Economic Planning (PREP) meetings and Visioning in Portage County (VIP).  The PCRPC’s stated mission is “to improve the quality of life in Portage County by helping communities turn vision into action in order to equitably achieve sustainable communities in harmony with the natural environment.”

In other business, Council passed Ordinance 2013-19 which clarifies holiday pay for full-time employees, Ordinance 2013-23, which temporarily allows floating holidays for police department employees for the remainder of 2013, Ordinance 2013-21 which dissolves the existing Design Review Board and assigns its duties to the Planning Commission, and Resolution 2013-22 which allows disposal by internet auction of village property no longer needed, obsolete, or unfit for use.

Council discussed proposed Ordinance 2013-09, which would authorize the mayor and clerk to enter into an agreement for the provision of dispatching services for the Windham Village Police Department.  Solicitor Stuck stated that there was to be a meeting of police chiefs to finalize some details, which had not taken place yet.  Councilman Matson asked council to consider tabling this ordinance until the details were finalized.  Council voted in agreement.

During round table discussion, Councilman and Sidewalk Committee Chairman Klamer stated sidewalk work would be starting in June.  Mayor Patrick asked to set a meeting date and time for the beautification committee to review what needs to be done in the village.  The mayor also stated that he and street department supervisor Mike Hyde would be working on a maintenance and repair priorities list for the village.

If you’d like to know more of what is happening in your community, please attend a meeting.   Please note, the next regular Village Council meeting will be held on June 19th (a week later than usual) at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography