Home News Garrettsville 20th Century Club News

Garrettsville 20th Century Club News

Garrettsville – Club members have had two months of single meetings each in November & December.
Joan Kropp hosted our meeting in November with Jan Chalker as her co-hostess. Lucy Galayde had charge of the program for the night and did a wonderful job of taking us back  to Pearl Harbor on one of the most shocking days of our history. Refreshments & time spent with friends were great. Thank you ladies.
Our December host was Iva Walker with Karen Ziarko co-hosting. The newly remodeled home had been showcased at the Christmas walk earlier in November & a treat to revisit.
Maxine Nimtz read the Cratchit’s Christmas beautifully. Roy Pancost and Dale Lucan played Christmas music while members enjoyed refreshments. Truly appreciated by all.
Our next meeting host has been changed to Bonnie Oliver on January 6th.
Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography