Shelli Buchanan was the presenter of information at the August 31, 2020 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club, via Zoom. She described the ongoing relationship with the folks from Restaurant Impossible who had come to Garrett’s Mill & Brewing Company earlier to assist in the reorganization and renovation which has brought the establishment to its current operating success.

There have been trials and tribulations while trying to conduct business during the pandemic but since re-opening, the brewery and its products have proved to be popular; new customers are coming, many to the outdoor service area. Craft/specialty beers are being canned at the establishment and are selling well. The follow-up visit by the Restaurant Impossible guidance crew will air on Thursday, September 3. At least one of the Rotarians voiced the opinion that “The Mill” is an anchor business for Main Street and, as such, is of interest to the entire community.

In regular business, the group discussed the letter which will be going out to solicit sponsors and donors and supporters for this year’s new-fangled Reverse Raffle, G-H Rotary’s principal fund-raising activity…not counting the recent fall mum sale. Arrangements for the Fall Steak Fry, scheduled for September 14, were discussed.

Onward and Upward!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography