Home Other Areas Garfield Women’s Auxiliary Formed to Support Firefighters

Garfield Women’s Auxiliary Formed to Support Firefighters


Garrettsville –  First responders make a living out of helping others in their time of need. Now, a support group has been formed to show gratitude to local firefighters in appreciation for all they do.

Stacy Collins is a founding member of the newly formed Garfield Women’s Auxiliary associated with the Garrettsville-Freedom-Nelson Volunteer Fire Department at 8035 Elm Street. The support group was formed in March to provide support for the firemen in any capacity needed, such as rehab at fires, financial support, breakfasts, and family activities.

“The wives and family members of the firemen wanted to be more active in the community and the fire department,” Collins says. “We plan to provide breakfast for the firemen who attend the water shuttle when it is hosted by the fire department, to plan a summer picnic for the firemen and their families, and to host community fundraisers.”

The auxiliary will participate in the Community Yard Sale, and sell hot dogs, pop and bake sale items to raise funds.

The firemen — understandably — have responded very well to the auxiliary and voted unanimously to approve its formation.  There have been volunteer support efforts in the past on their behalf, but this is the fire department’s first formal auxiliary.

Garfield Women’s Auxiliary founding members are Kate Sponaugle, Stacy Collins and Lori Friess.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography