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Garfield Teacher Publishes Book


Garrettsville –  Author, author!! And right in our own backyard too!  Well, maybe not in the backyard, maybe in  the James A. Garfield Middle School, maybe teaching Language Arts to eighth graders (Now there’s something to write about.), maybe, just maybe, it’s Mr. Don King, recently-published author of the  Young Adult/Science Fiction—slightly dystopian—novel, Nine.

The book actually came out this year on May 6th but the word is getting around and there will be book-signings at Barnes & Noble stores in Boardman (June 11-12) and Mentor (June 18).  You could also check in with Ellen at the Village Bookstore to see if she can order it for you.  Currently, sales appear to be brisk and distribution is going well.  A website called Giveawayreads has apparently had some action on Nine and the publishing company, snowleopardpublishing.com seems happy with the prospects.  Get your copy now.

A peek into the direction of the story may be found in the cover blurb : “Sometimes the solution…is more terrifying than the problem.”  O.K., then.  One reviewer  called it, “A dark and stunning vision of the future.” Yet another review mentions “a relentless pace”. The title has a connection to the number of planets in the solar system (Decide whether or not you’re going to count Pluto), then hooks up with the concepts of “expiration dates” and aliens up to no good.

Nine is the first book in what is intended to  be a trilogy.  Book two, Soul-less, is in the works now, with proofreading in process, and book three, Faith-less, (a reference to the series’ protagonist, who is named Faith) still taking shape.  Could we be in on the ground floor of a movie franchise?  Hang on to your popcorn, this could be a ride!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography