Home Garrettsville Garfield Schools Help NGCC Shut The Door On Hunger

Garfield Schools Help NGCC Shut The Door On Hunger


Garfield High School Students Collect Food for Families in NeedThe Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard would like to congratulate JAG students, faculty and staff for their very successful 2015 holiday food drive!  Everyone really went above and beyond collecting food and funds to help our community.  We are so grateful to Sen?ora Bell at the high school, Ms. Shafer at the middle school and Mr. Rado at the elementary school for organizing and leading the food drives.

The faculty and staff put a lot of hard work into this event not only collecting goods, but also ensuring the students understood the need and how vital the food drive is to our community.  The annual Turkey Trot held at the high school was a blast!  The students exceeded their goal for food collected as well as doubled the funds donated from last year.  Special thanks go to the teachers, staff and Mr. Lysiak who agreed to take a pie in the face as incentive for the students – everyone was such a great sport!

Our community is so fortunate to have a school district that places such high importance on thoughtful service to others.  Everyone, from the superintendent’s office, to the faculty and staff set a great example for our kids!  The Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard is extremely grateful to everyone who donated and we know that together, we can Shut The Door On Hunger in our community!


Anton Albert Photography