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Garfield Historical Society News


The James A. Garfield Historical Society was happy to accept a number of donations for its collections at the May 20, 2013 meeting:  Bob and Jean Farley contributed pictures, maps and merchants’ placards from early days in business (C.W. Payne Insurance) in the village.  Rhonda McCullough Jones  contributed  pictures of classes taught at Nelson by her grandmother, Lana McCullough.

Then it was business–noses to the grindstone, so to speak.

* A new display is needed for the window to be ready for SummerFest, with the building open to the public on Friday

* The Mott Building will be open for the first car show on Main St., May 25

*  Ditto for the first Saturday in June–June 1–from 10 o’clock to 2 o’clock

*Connie Knop will make the presentation of the JAGHS Charles E. Porter Memorial Scholarship to a graduating senior at James A. Garfield High School on 5/22/13

* The June meeting will be held in the Nelson Community House with a program by Joe Stamm.  Time is 7:00.  Date is Thursday, June 13

* The July program will be Julie Thompson with her Hiram College capstone project on the 1935 train robbery in Garrettsville

* The Howland Alarm Company sent quotes on updating current systems

* The Ghost Walk–NOT about Halloween–as a fund-raiser continues to draw interest as a fall counterpart to the village activities around St. Patrick’s Day and tentative plans are in the works.  This might be held on years alternating with the Christmas Walk and focus on local history and strange tales (These might be subject to censorship; lots of people have strange tales)

* The difficulties with leaks and water damage continue.  It’s back to the drawing board to be certain that contractors bidding for the repair work are addressing the same conditions–“apples to apples”–before work can be put out for competitive bidding. Three bids were received for working on the roof and one for taking care of gutters, overhang & fascia as well as soffit &vent repair.  Next chapter coming up.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography