Home Garrettsville Garfield All Sports Boosters News

Garfield All Sports Boosters News


Garrettsville – Many people have seen the many new improvements to the Athletic Facilities at James A. Garfield, most of which have been funded by the JAG All Sports Booster Club at no extra expense to the district. A few of the purchases the boosters have made in the past six years include: new sport recognition banners in the high school gymnasium ($6,000), new equipment and renovations to the high school weight room ($6,000), new varsity score table ($5,000), sanding and resurfacing of the high school gym floor ($12,000) and new retractable batting cage in the middle school gym ($8,000). Most recently they have also recently started sponsoring a scholarship for senior athletes.

What most people are not aware of is the time and energy this handful of dedicated individuals spend for the benefit of our student athletes. The behind the scenes work the members of the boosters perform includes handling and accounting for funds raised by individual teams, ordering and purchasing for coaches, staffing for concessions at all home events, finding volunteers for 50/50 and other raffles, handling and depositing of money raised and last but certainly not least the purchasing and ordering of concession supplies (which takes multiple trips per week!). The boosters also have run several large scale fundraising events (currently they are having a “penny war” between high school and middle school athletic teams).

Anyone interested in joining the JAG All Sport Boosters are more than welcome to attend their monthly meeting held the second Monday of each month in the Middle School Media Center. You can also find information on the Facebook Page titled, “JAG ALL SPORT BOOSTERS”.
