Home Garrettsville G-H Rotary Preparing for Annual Reverse Raffle, and Other Projects

G-H Rotary Preparing for Annual Reverse Raffle, and Other Projects


The Reverse Raffle is progressing smoothly. Last-minute details are being sorted out, and a meeting is scheduled for Thursday to finalize ticket sales, store equipment, compile lists and gather supplies. There is also a question about Hermann’s Pickles. Time is of the essence. A phone call to the caterer yielded a positive discussion regarding setup details. Assignments for Der Tag will be confirmed soon, and assistance is on the way. The question of who will serve as the MC remains.

The Dictionary Project is up next. Dates and arrangements will be settled soon. Decisions will need to be made about the quantity of dictionaries to order and whether Windham Schools would like to participate.

Sarrah is becoming more active in the community. She and the Bass family are enjoying various programs and activities.

Members shared Happy Bucks donations for various reasons, including acquiring a new pet, celebrating grandkids’ birthdays, producing pints of apple butter, organizing a clean garage, attending a show, the successful progress of the Reverse Raffle project, spontaneous contributions, recent football victories, the conclusion of the regular football season, and the ongoing football playoff tournament.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography