Home Garrettsville G-H Rotary News

G-H Rotary News


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary greeted the “unofficial opening” of Summer with official business concerning the selection of a design for the new mural, plans for a ceremony for the opening of work on the Tom Collins Memorial Rotary Walking Trail at the South Street (Bill Phelps) Park–ground-breaking, final preparations for the Rotary Golf Outing at SugarBush on June 21–personnel to work various stations and events–prizes & give-aways–sponsors. Also thoughts on the installation of the new president for next year–July 1–invite district governor, presentation of the new president’s project to the grants committee. Sarrah Masters, this year’s exchange student from India, is preparing to return home and brought her prize-winning presentation to the district conference to be seen by the local Rotary members & friends.

Happy Bucks came in for good health, donated flowers for the trailhead, a son’s stitches (and nothing worse), Sarrah’s trip to Cleveland and her presentation, a son’s new job. 

It’s all good.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography