Home Hiram Fulbright Scholars from Hiram College visit Newton Falls Kiwanis

Fulbright Scholars from Hiram College visit Newton Falls Kiwanis


Two Fulbright scholars from Hiram College visited and spoke with the Kiwanis Club of Newton Falls.  They shared their teaching experiences as well as their travels in the United States, including Vanina’s visit to a rainy Times Square, NYC, for New Year’s Eve.

Pictured, standing:

Kiwanis Pres A. Zimmermann, secretary E. Yura, K. Warner, T. Houk, B. Wujcik, sponsor R. Dempsey, Marjorie Cacheleux (France), treasurer K. Wujcik, guest Nicolas Torres (Argentina), S. Holub

Seated, front:

R. Sano, Vanina Mercado (Argentina), T. Nicholas, T. Holub, C. Nicholas, R. Warner


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