Home Other Areas Freedom Twp. Trustees Attend to Springtime Duties

Freedom Twp. Trustees Attend to Springtime Duties


Freedom Township – The Freedom Township Board of Trustees met on May 5 in regular session. The meeting was attended by trustees James Hammar, Roy Martin, John Zizka; Rosemary Nicholas, Fiscal Officer; Jeff Derthick, Zoning Inspector; and Charles VanSteenberg, Road Supervisor. Also present were Charles Duffield and Harold Cain.Much discussion focused on springtime roadwork and the upcoming Spring Clean-Up, which is scheduled for June 9, 10 and 11 (Thursday, noon to 6 pm; Friday, noon to 6 pm; and Saturday, 9 am to 3 pm). Acceptable items will be decided during the June trustees meeting.Two holes on Hewins Road have been filled with gravel and asphalt. Brush pick-up has also begun. High winds caused a downed tree on Stamm Road, plus brush on other roads, which were cleared. 170 geraniums from Pochedly’s were ordered for the cemeteries, at $1.00 each (same as last year).Both Hammar and Martin received calls from Richard Bonner, complaining about the condition of Goodell Road. Trustees approved a contract with Henry Luli Construction in the amount of $910 for work on Goodell Road, and to purchase 110 tons of #310 slag from Rick Kuntz for $16 per ton for use in repairing the road. Hammar said he is working with Scott Miller of the County Engineer’s office on the Issue 1 application for Vaughn Road. Nicholas said she intended to contact Miller for an explanation regarding the $20,000 increase in the engineer’s estimate for Stamm Road. This public works project was accepted with an assumed local share of $46,800; but now it looks like a local share of closer to $67,000 will be required, depending on how the bids come in. VanSteenberg had an estimate from H. Luli Construction in the amount of $5,250 to chip and seal the drive at Drakesburg Cemetery. The township would be responsible for patching the low areas and pot holes. Luli said if the township provided the #8 stone, he would deduct $500 from this amount. Zizka asked about getting another quote but VanSteenberg said Luli is the only one who does this type of work. Zizka said he is not saying the work isn’t necessary but neither the cemetery drive nor the Goodell Road work was on the agenda. He said the trustees need the opportunity to consider these things, not come to a meeting and get blindsided by these proposed expenditures. No action was taken; it was tabled until the next meeting.VanSteenberg purchased a diamond saw blade for $111.80 at Fastenal for cutting asphalt. He will keep track of the footage to see how much use this blade offers, compared to the other blades in use. Zizka will check to see if the brush has been picked up on Hewins. Cemetery: Cain noted that several stones are leaning at the West Cemetery. VanSteenberg said they have been that way for years. Mr. Hammar will look into it.Nicholas had a request for deed transfer from Sallie Hubeny. Trustees approved the transfer of Lot 414, Graves C & D, Drakesburg Cemetery from Sallie Hubeny to her niece and nephew, Lisa May Stewart and Richard Stewart; and to waive the $15.00 transfer fee. The trustees signed a letter thanking Ms. Hubeny for her many years of volunteer service to the township.Park: Hammar said the trees donated by Soil & Water have been planted. The trustees signed a thank you letter to Mr. Bierlair for donating the trees. There is some debris at the park, from the old school, which Zizka said should be moved. VanSteenberg said it should be covered over, then smoothed out. Hammar said, if it’s covered with grindings, it can be used for additional parking. No action was taken.New Business:Trustees agreed to purchase 300 tons of sodium chloride (rock salt) through the Ohio Department of Transportation Cooperative Purchasing Program for the 2011-2012 year. The week of May 15, 2011, was established as Emergency Medical Services week, with the theme, EMS: Everyday Heroes, with an open house held Saturday, May 14. Nicholas had forwarded to the trustees an e-mail from Crown Castle regarding the cell tower. Verizon (the only tenant) will come off the tower on April 30, 2012.
The roof on the east side of the town hall requires upkeep. Martin said we should accept Mr. Miller’s offer of a credit and apply it toward the porch work. Zizka said he and Duffield looked at the roof in detail, and the main concern is appearance; not durability or integrity. Cain said that he was opposed to leaving the roof the way it is; the contractor said it was a bad job and offered to redo it. He also questioned what happens with the warranty if we leave it as it is. Martin said there is nothing wrong with the roof as far as function; it is purely cosmetic. Because of finances, Hammar prefers taking whatever credit Miller offers, and apply it to the porch. Zizka said township employees may be able to remove the old porch, which would also save some money. He will contact Miller and also get a written quote from Milano for the concrete work.No offers have been received for the 1994 one-ton truck. Zizka said he would give the township $200 for it. Mr. VanSteenberg will call C&B to see what they will give for it.Hammar has an appointment with an attorney in Alliance who is an oil well specialist. He invited Mr. Zizka and Mr. Martin to accompany him.During the meeting, warrants #5522 – #5556 in the amount of $26,596.27 were presented to the trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature. The Freedom Township Trustees meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, located at the triangle of State Routes 303, 88 and 700. These meetings are open to the public, and residents are encouraged to attend.

Staff Reporter

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