Home Freedom Freedom Twp Fall Festival Committee Sends Their Thanks

Freedom Twp Fall Festival Committee Sends Their Thanks


Freedom Twp. – The second annual Freedom Fall Festival and Craft Show on Sept. 28 was a great success. Hundreds of local residents came out to enjoy good food, buy seasonal decorations and crafts, participate in our cow chip bingo contest with Daisy the cow and enjoy a day of family fun. 

This day would not have been possible without the hard work and generosity of dozens of people. There are many people we would like to thank starting with the volunteers from the Freedom Community and Park Boosters, Freedom Township Historical Society, and First Congregational Church of Freedom who all worked diligently at this event. Thanks to Rev. Tom Mesaros and the members of Blackhorse Baptist Church for providing food. Thanks to Rev. Jody Hill of the First Congregational Church for giving the invocation at our opening ceremony and to the Mantua American Legion Post 193 for honoring Freedom’s military personnel. Thanks to Garrettsville Police Patrolman Keith Whan and Portage County Sheriff Deputy Robert Clouden for their K-9 demonstration. Thanks to Civil War re-enactors Mike and Judy McCoy for setting up a camp and providing samples of a typical soldier’s food. Thanks to Community EMS Chief Chris Sanchez and University Hospitals for providing free health screenings.

Thanks to our donors: the Freedom Township Trustees for the use of their grounds and facilities, NOPEC’s community grant, Dennie Pochedly, Alan DeKome for hauling pumpkins, Jim and Kathleen Hammar for the use of their tractor and wagon to haul pumpkins, Ellerhorst-Russell Insurance, Rick Kuntz Trucking, and Jay Ruff.

Thanks to our cow chip bingo donors: Loreal and Scott Puleo, and of course Daisy, Roller Hutt, SkyLane Bowling, Garrettsville Family Pharmacy, Garrettsville Cinema, the Barber of G-Ville, Lisa Irwin and Irwin Realty, John and Kathy Zizka for the donation of a S & K Sales gift certificate, Ruth Prater, Pat Thomas, Dee Ramsell and Rose Miller, DJ Jars, Blackhorse Baptist Church, and Sharon Kommel and Joe Alford.

Thanks to our entertainers: Ginny Adams and Debbie Sommers of the First Congregational Church, Jim Upole, aka “Elvis”, Walnut Hill Cloggers, and King’s Crown 7. Thanks to Community EMS for allowing us to use their sound system and to Matt Ryser for setting up the tent.

A big thank you to our fall festival committee who planned all year long to make this event so special. The committee members were Trustee Jeff Derthick, Adam Derthick and Bev Puleo of the Park Boosters, Jim Hammar, Claudia Garrett, and Amanda Garrett of the Freedom Historical Society, and Ginny Adams of the First Congregational Church.

Finally, congratulations to Kepich Ford who won the $500 grand prize in our cow chip bingo contest.


Anton Albert Photography