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Freedom Township Trustees News


Freedom  Twp. – The  regular meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was held on  Thursday, May 3, 2012 with all board members present.

After review and approval of the April 19, 2012 minutes Mr. Jeffrey Derthick gave the zoning report.  Derthick reported that there were several lot splits, additions and new home inquiries.  No written reports of zoning information available for the trustees.

Following Mr. Derthick’s report to the board, a motion was made for a  Resolution to Dismiss the Zoning Inspector as follows:

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees previously appointed Jeffrey M. Derthick as Zoning Inspector to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees as an “at will employee” pursuant to Section 519.16 of the Ohio Revised Code.

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has determined that it is their discretion to dismiss and terminate Jeffrey M. Derthick as zoning inspector and employee of Freedom Township, effective immediately; now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, that Jeffrey M. Derthick be and hereby is dismissed and terminated as zoning inspector and employee of Freedom township, effective immediately; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Township Fiscal Officer gives written notice of the same to Jeffrey M. Derthick.

Mr. Derthick complied with the trustees’ request and left shortly after the return of his keys.  Later in the evening, a motion was made by Trustee Hammar and seconded by Trustee Zizka to appoint the fiscal officer as interim zoning inspector.

Mr. VanSteenberg gave his report regarding a meeting with Shalersville and Mantua in reference to the Vaughn Road project and road-sharing duties. A motion was made by Trustee Zizka and seconded by Trustee Martin to accept the agreement as written with Shalersville Township for road sharing and it will be sent to Shalersville for their approval

Mr. VanSteenberg also reported that the water is very high on King Road.  A letter was mailed to Mr. Pischera about the beavers creating a dam again.   He also reported that the last load of salt from Morton had been received which will fulfill the township contract.

A price quote was received from Ronyak for asphalt #404 at a cost of $62.50 per ton, to be used by Todd Lamb Excavating on the Gotham Road project.  Trustee Zizka stated that the motion made last meeting should be revised, and made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Hammar to purchase the #404 asphalt for Gotham Road project at $62.50 per ton with an estimate of 85 tons.  Motion carried.

The roads in the township that need to be resurfaced for the next year will be checked by the road crew and trustees to determine the most needed.  No chip and seal will be done through the grant monies;  in order to qualify for the funds the road(s) will have to be paved.  It was suggested that a road workshop be set  to review the specs of the Vaughn Road bid book and to check on roads in need of repair.  Trustee Martin made a motion that was seconded by Trustee Zizka to have a workshop with the road crew and the trustees on Tuesday May 8, 2012 at 9 am and to publish such meeting as Road Workshop.

Trustee Zizka shared information and drawings from the county engineer’s office that refer to culverts, driveways, and ditch enclosures.  The information may be helpful to the road crew for township drives.

Mr. VanSteenberg reported that there was a low pressure water problem at the town hall, after checking on it, there appeared to be a problem with the pump running continuously and no pressure being built up.  Burrows & Sons Well Co. was notified and they found a hole in one of the galvanized fittings causing the problem and this was also resulting in a high electric bill for the town hall.

A price for purchasing and installing a gutter and downspout for the town hall was received from Pro-Flo.  A motion was made by Trustee Martin and seconded by Trustee Zizka to amend Resolution 04-19-12.10 to include a price now quoted at $160.

Stated in the cemetery report was the intention to pour foundations soon and that 170 flowers for the cemetery had been ordered from Pochedly’s Greenhouse.

Mr. Hammar advised of a convention to be held this summer for training and information on cemetery websites and columbariam.  All cemetery and official personnel are invited to attend at no cost but reservations are needed to attend.

Mr. Hammar reported that the Nature Works of ODNR has made no progress. There will be monies released sometime after October 2012, and we are still being considered for monies. In the local Villager Publication, the Park Committee had placed an ad in the form of a coupon as a money maker for the month of May to purchase plants and flowers from Pochedly’s Greenhouse which will give a percentage back to the Park Committee.  Also, Mother’s Day weekend, May 12 & 13 there  was  a hanging basket and plant sale at the town hall with the Park Committee benefiting from the sale.

Mr. Hammar reported that Doll Lumber has offered to donate up to 8 cubic yards of double ground mulch in celebration of Earth Day.  This is to be used to enhance the community parks, offices and other locations of the township properties and needs to be picked up by July 1, 2012.

Trustee Zizka gave information and forms to trustees and Mr. VanSteenberg to review from the Auditor of State concerning the new laws relating to Fraud.  There is a form to be signed by all employees of the township and they will receive information on where to contact someone for concerns of fraud.  Copies will be made and distributed to all employees and any new employees will be required to receive and sign upon hire.

A motion was made by Trustee Hammar and seconded by Trustee Zizka to approve an expenditure for the OTA Summer Conference at to be held in Rootstown at the Northeast Ohio Medical University. Motion carried.

During the meeting, warrants #6083 – #6117 in the amount of $25,770.06 were presented to the Trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature.  There being no further business, Mr. Hammar made the motion, seconded by Mr. Martin to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 pm.

On May 8, 2012 a Special Meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Martin at 9:00 a.m.  Present were Trustees James Hammar, Roy Martin, John C. Zizka; Charles VanSteenberg, Road Supervisor, Tony VanSteenberg, Assistant Supervisor.

Trustee Hammar reported a telephone conversation with Scott Miller of the Portage County Engineer’s office last Friday regarding the specs for the widening of Vaughn Road, an Issue I, Round 26 project approved for 2012.  A majority of those present felt that there needed to be more input on the part of township officials in preparing future specifications for Issue I submissions.

During the discussion Mr. Scott Miller of the engineer’s office returned a phone call to Trustee Hammar.  Scott Miller said that it was permissible to add the requirement for deeper excavation of the widened roadway and the use of six (6) inches of compacted stone base to be topped with two four (4) inch layers of asphalt.  It was agreed that the spec for deeper excavation and compacted stone base would be incorporated in the Vaughn Road specs for bidding.

The discussion now turned to road candidates for Issue I application for year 2013.  Trustee Zizka suggested taking a ride to compare those roads being considered. Everyone went to check on Vair and Hewins Road to decide which was in the worst condition.  After viewing the roads, the meeting was continued at the town hall.  Trustee Martin made a motion and it was seconded by Trustee Hammar to submit the East-West portion of Hewins Road for Round 27, Issue I consideration.  Roll call:  Mr. Martin, yes; Mr. Zizka, yes; Mr. Hammar, yes.  Motion carried.  Resolution 05-08-12.01

Charlie VanSteenberg suggested that the use of 2” of base asphalt with 2” of top coat and fabric between lifts be used.   He also suggested we contact Windham Township as they may be considering chip and seal work for their portion of the North-South section of Hewins Road.  The possibility of road share partnership with them to have Freedom’s North-South section done at the same time could perhaps save contractor mobilization costs and garner a quantity discount; Trustee Zizka will contact Windham Township regarding their intentions for road work on Hewins Road.

There being no further discussion of the roads, Mr. Hammar made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 pm.

The Regular Meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:34 pm on Thursday, May 17, 2012.  Present were Trustees  James Hammar, Roy Martin, John C. Zizka; Karen Martin, Fiscal Officer; Charles VanSteenberg, Road Supervisor.  Also present: Mr. Harold Cain, Mr. Charles Duffield, Mr. Dan Grafton, Mr. Robert Miner, Sally Hubeny and Pat attended part of the meeting.  Also present Mr. Mark Russell of Ellerhorst Insurance.

Minutes from the May 3, 2012 Regular meeting and the May 8, 2012 special meeting were approved as presented. During the meeting, warrants # 6083- #6139 in the amount of $29,474.70 were presented to the Trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature. There being no further business, Mr. Hammar made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka, to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 pm.

The Freedom Township Trusteess meet on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:30 pm at the Freedom Township Hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography