Home News Freedom Township Trustee News

Freedom Township Trustee News


Freedom Twp. – After the Pledge of Allegiance, the regular meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was called to order by the Chairman Roy Martin at 7:30 pm on Monday, February 5, 2015.  Present were trustees James Hammar, Roy Martin, and John C. Zizka; Fiscal Officer, Karen Martin;  Road Superintendent Charles VanSteenberg.  Also present Chief Sanchez of the EMS; residents Mike, Eldon & Matt West, Charles Duffield, Dan Grafton.  Arriving later after another meeting he attended was Zoning Inspector Rich Gano.

A motion was made by Trustee Hammar and seconded by Trustee Zizka,  to approve the minutes of the regular meeting  held January 15, 2015 as presented.

The meeting was opened at this time for comments.  Chief Sanchez of the Community EMS presented information on the 2014 year statistics of calls, responses and  times to the public and township officials and he answered any questions that were presented.  Also he noted that the renewal levy had passed in November for the 2015 year to start.

The road crew has been busy plowing and salting the roads.  They have ordered another load of Salt. It was reported that the wiper pump on the Kodiak had quit and went to Sarchione in Randolph to get a replacement.

The road supervisor requests that a letter be written to resident Richard Bonner thanking him for his assistance on Goodell Road with the snow removal from the sides of the road.  His help was greatly appreciated.

The fiscal officer noted that the renewal for the OTARMA/B&F liability and property insurance is coming up for renewal.  Review of the renewal information will be discussed at the next meeting of the trustees.

A letter has been received from Ohio Edison approving the change of billing information to the trustees at 8937 S.R. 88 (rental house).  Also a bill was received from Dominion Gas in the township trustees’ name.

Zoning board appointments:  A motion was made by Trustee Zizka and seconded by Trustee Hammar to reappoint Randy Pochedly to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term of 5 (five) years to expire in 2019; and also appoint for a one year term ending January 1, 2016 on the Board of Appeals, Ben Fashing and John Evans.

A motion was made by Trustee Hammar and seconded by Trustee Zizka to reappoint Stanley Lawrence to the Zoning Commission Board for a term of 5 (five) years to expire in 2019; and also appoint for a one-year term ending January 1, 2016  on the Board of Appeals, Tom Mesaros and Donna Miner.

Trustee Hammar reported that Freedom Township has 70 unused hours at the Regional Planning Committee.  He suggesting discussing having them review the zoning code book.  There was some discussion but no decision was made.  It was also noted that the zoning amendments may not be updated in the zoning book.  This will be reviewed by the fiscal officer.

Trustee Martin noted that the Zoning Appeals Board is interested in having a joint meeting with Zoning Commission Board and the Trustees.  A motion was made by Trustee Zizka and seconded by Trustee Hammar to set a joint workshop meeting with the zoning boards and the trustees and a guest from Regional Planning; also to discuss later the proposal to have the Regional Planning Committee review our zoning book.

Trustee Zizka mentioned some of the highlights from the Winter Conference seminars.  Trustee Martin gave some information on the seminars he attended also.  More information will be presented at later meetings.

Trustee Zizka noted a questionable charge on the Dominion Account for the rental house and he will be contacting Dominion concerning the issue.

Zoning Inspector Rich Gano gave a zoning report.  He noted that a demolition permit was given on a cell tower building.  He made reference to violation letters that Prosecutor Meduri had sent concerning trailer storage and agriculture exemptions.  There was a question about a court hearing on Milano property but information has not been received on the outcome.

A letter from Mr. Mike West questioned the definition and exemption laws of agriculture storage.  The letter was responded to by Prosecutor Meduri.  There is still confusion as to the legal rights of agriculture exemptions.  Further information will be obtained and discussed at a later date.  Residents Matt and Michael West questioned the status of the concern and would like better clarification of the law.

Resident Eldon West noted that the handicap ramp at the Townhall was not cleaned before the meeting tonight.

During the meeting, warrants # 7721 – #7753 in the amount of $20,684.61   were presented to the Trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature.

A motion was made by Trustee Hammar and seconded by Trustee Zizka to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:04 p.m.


Anton Albert Photography