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Freedom Township Trustee News


Freedom Twp. – After the Pledge of Allegiance, the Regular Meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:30 pm on Thursday, October 18, 2012.  Present were trustees James Hammar, Roy Martin, and John C. Zizka; Karen Martin, Fiscal Officer; Road Superintendent, Charles VanSteenberg. Zoning Inspector Rich Gano.   Also present residents Mr. Charles Duffield and Mr. Dan Grafton, Mr. Harold Cain.  

There was public comment about the Food Hunger collection in the area and who was participating in the drive.  Nelson Twp.  was doing a drive with Garrettsville  — they were participating in trying to fill a fire truck.

There was  expressed concern about the Weed Wizard Company being able to keep up with the treatment of the weeds in the coming year.

Mr. Cain also questioned the reason why the minutes were not being put in the Villager as it use to be.  The clerk will be sending the minutes to the Villager for publication after they are approved by the trustees.
Mr. Dan Grafton noted that on  S.R. 88 and S.R. 303 there are trucks parked

There was a discussion about the energy promotions from NOPEC and other companies to lock in a rate for the monthly fees for electric. Trustee Zizka made a motion, seconded by Trustee Martin to sign with NOPEC for a seven year agreement lock-in at a fixed rate of 6.75 cents per kilowatt-hour used, which remains in effect up through July of 2019.  The motion carried.

In his zoning report, Inspector Rich Gano reported that he has been following up on permits and applications.  He has also issued a Demo Bond for Mr. Hyde.  He has sent out some letters encouraging compliance with zoning regulations.  It may be necessary to mail another follow-up letter to some of the residents.

There was again discussion about location of surveyor pins for more accurate determination of lot lines and side line issues, etc.  Review of previous discussions is needed to recall any decisions made. There was also discussion about the application form having a place to document by the zoning inspector that he verifies the placement of buildings on the property and line distances, demo completion and other compliances of zoning codes.

There was also a concern that some of the permits have not been posted in a place to be seen at the road.  This subject needs to be a reminder to the residents obtaining permits.

Charlie VanSteenberg reported on road work completed.  Ditching on Goodell will start next week.  He is ready to start hauling grit from Ballentine Sand & Gravel.  There is an excess of brush and wood chips at the garage.  We need to make room for the grit to be stored and it may be necessary to move the chips.

There was a discussion about purchasing more from O.K. Brugmann to build another grit/salt storage area.  Thirteen ingots are needed to make a  storage area.  Mr. Hammar made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka to purchase 13 ingots from Brugmann’s for use in building another storage area for salt & grit. The motion carried.

Charlie reported that the water is still rising on King Road.  Another letter will be sent to Mr. Pischera informing him of the situation.  The alternator on the Kodiak had to be replaced this week.     The PARTA bus sign has been taken down and it needs to be re-set.  The discussion was about the best location for the signs and pick-up area. No activity has been noticed at the cell tower.

Trustee Zizka gave the report on the EMS meeting.

Trustee Hammar gave a report on the Regional Planning Commission.  He stated that Edinburg is considering dropping out of the Regional Planning.

Trustee Martin gave report on the fireboard meeting.  Resident Cain suggested that we check into getting an emergency siren for the flagpole.  This was discussed at the last meeting and more information will be investigated.

The Fiscal Officer reported the  transfer of $2000 within the zoning fund and $2000 within the cemetery fund to support the salary funds within.  Mr. Hammar made a motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka for the fiscal officer to transfer $2000 within the funds of the zoning and cemetery fund for support of the salary fund.
In new business  Trustee Hammar reported that the paper work for the Small Government Grant has been received and Karen Martin and Trustee Hammar will proceed with the application.

Trustee Martin told of acquiring 10 file cabinets from the county sale.  He also bought a bulletin board.  The total cost to the township was $11.

The clerk reported getting a thank you letter from the Center of Hope for the contribution of food that was made by the township.

Trustee Martin reported on the Portage Solid Waste District meeting held at Maplewood Career Center.  The discussion was on privatizing the solid waste program. This was an issue because the five year plan stated that it was not allowed. There will be further meetings and discussions concerning the wording of the proposal.

There has been no response from the county on the re-valuation of the rental property.

Trustee Zizka reported that the title search has been completed on the Drakesburg Square. There was information dating back to the late 1700’s.  There was no actual deed found only reference on maps and documents of the Drakesburg Square being a public property for the Freedom Township residents to use.  It was suggested that a “quiet title” be acquired by the township since it is noted on record that the township has claimed ownership for over one hundred years.  County Prosecutor is checking on the procedure for this right of way document.  Surveyor Cliff Maguire is going to do some more measuring and documentation on the lot from the pins that are available.

Trustee Hammar reported that the Ohio Edison did not want decorations on the electric poles but they may be willing to allow flags.  Flags can go on telephone poles as long as we would use straps for the hangers and no bolts or spikes.

Trustee Zizka has been in conference with the county prosecutor concerning the Mikulski contract for internet service.

During the meeting, warrants # 6360- #6374 in the amount of $7,265.56 were presented to the Trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature.

There being no further business, Trustee Martin made the motion, seconded by Trustee Zizka to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm.


Anton Albert Photography