Home News Freedom Township Trustee News

Freedom Township Trustee News


Freedom Township – The Regular Meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Hammar at 7:30 pm on Thursday, October 20, 2011. Present: Trustees James Hammar, Roy Martin, John Zizka; Rosemary Nicholas, Fiscal Officer; Jeff Derthick, Zoning Inspector, Charles VanSteenberg, Road Supervisor. Also present: Harold Cain, Charles Duffield and Dan Grafton.

Mr. Hammar led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Zizka made the motion, seconded by Mr. Martin to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2011 regular meeting as presented. Motion carried.

During the Public Comment section Mr. Cain asked about the beaver dam. Mr. VanSteenberg said the water was flowing but not fast enough to prevent flooding.

Mr. Hammar said the trustees would take it under advisement and see what they could do. Mr. Zizka said he would again call ODOT.

Mr. Derthick said the zoning office received several calls about the explosions heard throughout the township the last couple of days. It was reported in the Record Courier (after the fact) that this was activity at Camp Ravenna.

Mr. Derthick said the Board of Appeals met to journalize minutes. The Zoning Commission is working on the wording for portable temporary storage units as well as hydronic furnaces, gambling parlors and internet cafes. The new computer is up and running. He is waiting for paper work from the Prosecutor’s office on the Conley pre-trial as well as a violation on S.R. 700. Mr. Zizka requested that the zoning office provide the board with a listing of zoning office activity (notices, etc.) so that if a resident calls one of the trustees, they are aware of it. In response to a question from Mr. Hammar, Mr. Derthick said the recent BZA activity involved a conditional use permit, and not a variance with conditions. Mr. Hammar said we need to schedule the Zoning Seminar to be held sometime this winter.

Roads: Mr. VanSteenberg said the road crew has been patching Gotham, Vair and Slagle and ditching on Hewins. They put a stack on the Kodiak truck. The oil pan is leaking. A new one is $397, or Tim Patrick can repair it (as he did the gas tanks) for $250. He does this type of work for the county and they gave him a good reference. M&L would provide labor for between $260 and $300. Mr. Martin made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka, to have the oil pan on the Kodiak truck repaired by Tim Patrick (Linings, Inc.) for $250 plus up to $300 to M&L for labor, plus $38 for a gasket. Motion carried.

Mr. VanSteenberg said they had the 2009 Ford truck aligned at Kepich; they recommended pumping out the transmission fluid and replacing it at 24,000 miles. He will get more information on this. They also recommended two new tires on the front because of uneven wear. Mr. Martin suggested we buy four new mud/snow tires for the rear. Mr. VanSteenberg will get prices. The fuel tanks at the garage passed the recent testing. The inspector told Mr. Hammar that they ask for a pressure test when they do the inspection because the tanks can sometimes get damaged in transit. There was no charge to the township for this testing.

Park: Mr. VanSteenberg said that someone planted five seedlings at the park without township approval. They are in bad condition and will be removed. Mr. Hammar reported on the recent Park Committee meeting. Two gentlemen from soccer leagues attended to discuss fields. We are looking at the field to the east of the Joeright property and the field at the town hall.

Before anything is done, we need to determine level of interest. Mr. Hammar said he welcomes any suggestions.

Cemetery: The paving has not been done because of weather.

Fire: Mr. Martin reported on personnel, equipment maintenance, purchase of gas monitors and fire hose, and changing the phone service to Frontier, which will save money. The trustees gave approval to post signs on township property in support of the fire levy. Mr. Hammar asked if we could get a dry hydrant at the ski lake. Mr. Zizka will talk to the property owner before Mr. Martin brings it back to the Fire Department.

Mr. Hammar made the motion, seconded by Mr. Martin, that the Freedom Township Board of Trustees goes on record as endorsing the Joint Fire District renewal levy on the November 8 ballot.  Motion carried.

EMS: Mr. Zizka reported that the central air has been installed, all lighting has been updated (with grant money), and the parking lot has been sealed. The Fire Association will reimburse the cost of striping for handicap parking. They will be selling a generator that is no longer needed. The new full time paramedic is working out well.

Regional Planning: Mr. Hammar said there was nothing significant to report.

Mr. Zizka reported on the storm water task force meeting he attended. Two questions were asked at that meeting: what can be done to prevent piles of rock salt along the roads; what is the repercussion from cleaning ditches and does that add to erosion.

There was also a discussion about proper salt storage.

Mr. Zizka made the motion, seconded by Mr. Martin, to schedule the year-end meeting for Thursday, December 29, at 7:30 pm.

Mr. Martin made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka, authorizing James Hammar, Chairman, Freedom Township Board of Trustees, to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program, and to execute contracts as required for the Vaughn Road Resurfacing Project. Motion carried.

Mr. Martin made the motion, seconded by Mr. Hammar, to adopt the Hold Harmless Agreement for Court-Ordered Community Service. Motion carried.

This has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Meduri. Copies will be provided to Mr. VanSteenberg.

The board acknowledged receipt of the public hearing on the road vacation in the Timberstone Subdivision. There were no objections, and no board action was required.

Mr. Martin made the motion, seconded by Mr. Zizka, to reimburse for registration, hotel, taxi, parking, meals, mileage and incidentals for the Fiscal Officer or any Trustee who attends the Ohio Township Association Winter Conference in 2012. Motion carried. Mr. Zizka commented that the township should not be picking up any spouse expenses.

Unfinished Business:

Mr. Zizka said that JC Electric has offered to supply material and labor to wire the town hall pavilion, at no cost to the township. Plans are to do it the first week in November. In consideration, the township will allow his sign to be posted. JC Electric is also donating two work boxes to the township that can be used at the ball field for storage.

Mr. Zizka provided a draft of items to be considered on the agreement for shared township road responsibilities, including designated section/portion of road; roadway surface to be maintained; and signage. He suggested that the townships involved be sent a letter explaining what we want to do and the purpose, and then plan to meet on location with the road supervisor and at least one trustee from each township. Mr. Zizka will follow through on this. He welcomes any suggestions.

We are still waiting to hear from Mr. Miller regarding the town hall porch work.

Mr. Hammar suggested that the employee evaluations be completed by the December 15 meeting. All agreed.

Mr. Derthick noted that our tax maps date back to 2006-2007 and he would like to get updated copies. He will get a price.

During the meeting, warrants #5789 – #5798 in the amount of $2,795.45 were presented to the Trustees for approval and ordered paid by signature.

There being no further business, Mr. Zizka made the motion, seconded by Mr. Hammar to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 pm.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography