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Freedom Township Trustee News


Freedom Twp. – Highlights of the February 3, 2011 Trustee meeting were:

Mr. Tom Mesaros was appointed to the Zoning Commission for a one-year term.

Zoning Inspector Derthick reported one permit issued for a new single family home.  A resident on St. Rt. 700 has not responded about removing an unlicensed vehicle from his property. Trustees approved turning the problem over to the Prosecutor’s Office.
A request was made by a resident to transfer a grave lot to her. It was determined this could not be done as it is part of the deceased’s estate, so no action can be taken without proper legal authority on behalf of the estate.

Rental fee for the town hall pavilion was discussed. It was agreed to charge $25 rental plus $25 security deposit, both to be paid at the time of rental. A resident questioned why the fee should be the same for residents and non-residents. After discussion trustees changed to $25 for residents and $50 for non-residents, with corresponding security deposit.
It was noted Freedom Township will be hosting the County Association dinner/meeting on August 20, and the Community Picnic will be held on August 21.
Mr. Zizka said the bad weather has set back town hall roof construction work and it may be mid-February before work is started.
Mrs. Nicholas reported being contacted by the J.A. Garfield Class of ’61 asking if the pavilion and town hall were available for their class reunion June 19, and what the fee would be. Both buildings are available that date. It was agreed to waive the fee for this non-profit group, as many of the graduates are township residents.
Earlier in the meeting Mr. VanSteenberg reported they have been plowing and salting to keep the roads clear and they have not yet ordered any of our current allotment of salt, but will as soon as we have the space available.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography