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Freedom Township News


Freedom Township – Items of interest and importance discussed and acted upon at the March 3, 2011 meeting:
Mr. VanSteenberg spoke of flooding that occurred in the township. A culvert on Hewins Road collapsed. They put in a new plastic culvert and the road is now  open . He is keeping track of materials, equipment and labor on this project in the event FEMA makes funds available for reimbursement.

VanSteenberg reported 80 feet of berm washed out on Stamm. A Hewins Road resident complained of flooding, asking if the township can do anything about it. It cannot be done  because he is off the right-of-way. The ditch was cleaned out and now his concern is heavy rain washing out his driveway. Mr. VanSteenberg requested  a letter be sent to a Vair Road property owner regarding beavers on his property causing water to back up on the road causing a flooding problem. This action was approved by all.

Minor water problems at the church werer addressed. Mr. Zizka said a rut along the drive needed filling in and the snow build-up prevented water from sheeting across the drive. Mr. VanSteenberg said he noticed one of the downspouts is disconnected. Mr Hammar will check into this.

Mr. Hammar had specifications and pricing on a plate tamper. There was also discussion about the need at this time. Trustees agreed to purchase up to a price of $1,354.28.
It was agreed to send a notification letter to American Risk Pooling Consultants reserving the right to accept other insurance quotations. All agreed.
An e-mail and Internet Code of Conduct Policy was adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 24, 2088. Mr. Hammar suggested the following revision to include the term “personal use”. Motion was made to revise the E-Mail and Internet Code of Conduct as follows:

Unacceptable uses of the Internet: The internet should not be used for personal use and/or personal gain or advancement. Solicitation of non-township business or any use of the internet for personal use and/or personal gain or advancement is strictly prohibitied. All agreed.

There is another water problem on King Road. A letter has been sent to the property owner asking for permission to go on the property. There has been no response to date.
Mr. Zizka updated the porch work being done on the Town Hall. They are working on the roof. The contractor is also working on a quote for the masonry work. The doors have been installed at the town hall and church building. He said there may also be an additional charge for reconstructing the rotted out sill by the back door of the town hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography