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Freedom Township News


Freedom Twp. – Highlights of the February 17 meeting of the Freedom Township Trustees were:
A representative of the Ohio Plan (insurance agency) presented information on a plan similar to the OTARMA plan which has been used for some time. This will be considered at the March 3 meeting.
Zoning Inspector Derthick said a letter was sent to the business at the corner of 700 and 88 regarding trailers parked in the road right-of-way. A violation regarding unlicensed trailers has been sent to the prosecutor. Mr. Hammar said the Zoning Commission is working on hydronic furnace regulations.
Mr. VanSteenberg reported water in the ditch on Stamm Road backing up on the road and freezing. One of the owners will replace 80 ft. of pipe in the ditch plus his driveway culvert. At Mr. VanSteenberg’s suggestion, trustees waived the $5.00 per foot permit fee since it was a pre-existing condition.
A special meeting will be held February 22 at 10:00 a.m. to discuss roadwork and other spring projects.
Mr. VanSteenberg reported needed repairs for the ’95 Kodiak truck. Trustees Hammar and Martin voted to spend $1,860 on repairs plus $500 for axle repair. Mr. Zizka abstained. Motion carried.
Mr. Hammar is looking into software programs for cemetery records.
Mr. Martin reported on the Feb. 8 Fire meeting. The bid for the new tanker is $293,000. The grant has not been released yet. The chief and two others will attend the Monroevill Fire & Expo this weekend. They will be participating in the Portage County Incident Management Team Command and General Staff Functions for Local Incidents scheduled March 21 through March 26.
Mr. Zizka provided copies of the January 13 and 27 EMS meetings. They continue to work on revising Standard Operating guidelines. They will bill the Windham Joint Fire District $1,550 for the month of January.
The  ad for the Zoning Inspector position was discussed. Mr. Zizka suggested that  zoning hours be changed to eliminate Thursday morning. This  can always be added back in when business picks up. A unanimous vote was cast for the limit of Tuesday and Saturday morning.
Mr. Hammar continues to investigate high speed internet possibilities, including a proposal received from DISH for a price ranging between $19 and $35 per month.
Mr. Zizka said work at the parsonage is completed by County-Wide and the doors have been installed at the church

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography