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Freedom Township News

Freedom Township – At the December 2 meeting many of those present were hoping for a very short meeting in anticipation of the Cavaliers’ game that evening.
The main topics of interest were:
A request from township resident Ginny Adams to use the township sign to advertise job skills workshops for people looking for work. They will use the Congregational Church and she will have a number of people to be presenters. She will be advertising the first session, which is to be held January 15 from 12pm to 4pm. Trustees agreed to her request.
On Zoning Mr. Derthick reported one permit issued for a single family home on Nichols Road. The zoning computer has been repaired; two viruses were found. He also said OTA (Ohio Twp. Assn.) is forming a zoning inspectors group, which he is planning to attend.
Mr. VanSteenberg reported they had salted the roads that morning and there was a burial yesterday. They purchased oil and filters for the trucks.
Mr. Hammar is proceeding to search for grants for the Community Park.
Regional Planning dues for 2011 in the amount of $2,156.28 were approved for payment.
Trustees reviewed appointments to the Zoning Commission and Board of Appeals. Terms to expire in 2010: Mike Mikulski, Zoning Commission; Mike Kryz, Mike Baker (Alternate) and Randy Pochedly (Alternate) Board of Appeals. It was decided to advertise for letters of interest for residents interested in serving on both of these boards.
Mr. Hammar said he had an offer from Dominion East Ohio to lock in  a rate of 6.29. According to the recent bill, our current rate is 6.89. There is a $100 termination fee (per location) if you want to change after you lock in. Locking in at 6.29 was approved.
Mr. Zizka had the final plans for the front porch remodeling and will be taking them to the Building Department. The contractor wants to do all the work at the same time. It was agreed to accept the plans as presented. Mr. Zizka was authorized to apply for a Building Permit.
Regarding the desire for high speed internet for the township, Mr. Hammar said he got a call from Frontier. They will be expanding their service area to the 527 area code and announcing it sometime in December.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.
Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography