Home Freedom Freedom Township Historical Society Fall Programs Announced

Freedom Township Historical Society Fall Programs Announced


Freedom Township Historical Society announces its fall programs which will be held the 2nd Tuesday of both Sept and October. Ever wonder where Stamm Road got its name? The September13th program features 2 cousins who will present their family history and answer that question. Joe Stamm and Kathie Stamm Havener, whose fathers were twins, will share stories of the Stamm Family in Freedom (different from the Stamms of Mantua). Their paternal grandparents came to Freedom, settled down here and raised 13 children including 3 sets of twins. What an amazing accomplishment! This will be a slide show type presentation on Sept 13 at 7 PM at the Freedom Pavilion on Rt 700. On October 11 local railroad expert Phillip McCoy will present a “Railway Program”. Mark your calendars now so as not to miss these two outstanding programs. Questions? – call Judy at 330.527.7669.


Anton Albert Photography