Home Schools Focus Group Meeting Scheduled for May 7

Focus Group Meeting Scheduled for May 7


Garrettsville – The James A. Garfield School District is looking for input on what the community wants in a new Superintendent of Schools. All community members are invited to a Focus Group meeting, which will provide the opportunity for residents to voice their opinions and tell the district and board what they are looking for in a new Superintendent. The meeting will be held in the Iva L. Walker Auditorium on May 7 at 7:00 PM for community members.

The Focus Group Meeting is open to all community members. Please try to attend the meeting. The meeting will last approximately one (1) hour, during which residents will have the opportunity to provide their thoughts and opinions regarding the qualities, experience and characteristics they feel are important in the next Superintendent of the James A. Garfield Local Schools.

The meeting will be facilitated by the management team of Finding Leaders. Finding Leaders is an organization whose mission is to help school districts find and support ideal leaders. They are skilled in the identification, development and selection of successful leaders.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography