Home Other Areas Feinstein Challenge Begins March 1st

Feinstein Challenge Begins March 1st


For the past 16 years Alan Feinstein has been giving away one million dollars each year to aid agencies throughout the country that are dealing with hunger issues. He does it because he believes, “Each of us was put here on earth to do what we can to help those in need.”
His money started this campaign but each one of us can help by donations to the 4 C’s food cupboard. All food donated between March 1st and April 30th will count toward the challenge. Each item: can of soup, box of spaghetti, etc. — counts as one. Please help us as we, the volunteers at 4 C’s help to feed the hungry.

Donations may be made at the Hilltop Church, Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays from 1:00 to 3:00 or call us at 330-274-3310 during those hours and we will tell you when to bring your donations. Ask your church to take up a collection, have your children collect food at school. Help us in any way you can.  Hunger never takes a holiday.


Anton Albert Photography