Home Iva's Input Feathers, Fowl, and Finances: The Increasing Toll of Yuletide Celebrations

Feathers, Fowl, and Finances: The Increasing Toll of Yuletide Celebrations


In a surprising turn of events, it appears that the cost of procuring the items featured in the classic holiday tune, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” has experienced a notable increase of approximately 4.8%. At the forefront of this upward trend are the turtle doves, ostensibly due to their relative rarity. When was the last time one encountered such a creature? It remains a mystery as to how they became symbolic of domestic love and devotion, but such sentiments likely fueled their inclusion in the festive list of gift-giving.

The grand total for acquiring the entire array of items, known colloquially as the “whole shootin’ match,” now stands at an eye-catching $52,024.03. This figure reflects a 4.8% surge from the previous year’s costs. It’s important to note that these calculations are based on online prices. Interestingly, the feathered friends in the form of birds—specifically, turtle doves, French hens, and geese—have witnessed a substantial increase of 20%, marking a staggering 133% surge since 1984, the inception of tracking. This surge, while notable, is somewhat mitigated when compared to last year’s steep rise of 10.5%. Meanwhile, calling birds and partridges have maintained a steady price, raising questions about their demand in the market.

For those curious about the grand total for all twelve verses of the festive song, the tabulation reaches an unprecedented $201,973—a significant milestone as it breaches the $200,000 mark for the first time. Now that the performers’ strike has come to an end, there’s speculation that the prices for maids a-milking, ladies dancing, lords a-leaping, pipers piping, and drummers drumming may experience an upward trend in the coming year. It might be prudent to place orders early, as uncertainties loom over the costs associated with swans a-swimming. However, gold rings seem to be a perennially safe bet in this festive financial landscape. The holiday season, it seems, brings not only joy and merriment but also an intriguing economic spectacle worth exploring and contemplating.

Iva Walker