Home Portage County Family Love and Shopping for a Deal go Hand-in-Hand

Family Love and Shopping for a Deal go Hand-in-Hand


Ravenna – Are you looking for cost-efficient pricing, a present for a loved one or a treat for yourself? Then Brittany’s Bargains is the place to shop! Inspiration for this awesome new storefront came out of a ‘if not now than when’ idea from Brittany Nutter, the owner of this trendy store.

Have you heard the terms Boss Lady, Gal at Work, Working Mom or Lady with a Heart of Gold? Well, look no further than her family-friendly establishment because Mrs. Nutter is all encompassing when it comes to these expressions. “I have always had a heart for helping people,” she said of the numerous ways her young business has already contributed to the local community.

Where does a woman with four children get the courage to start her own and first-ever storefront business? Brittany Nutter that is who! Knowing full well she would have to balance a 60-hour work week with family life, this brilliant entrepreneur stood firm in her resolve. “I have always wanted to open my own store.”

With tears in her eyes and a look of fond remembrance on her face Brittany expressed that part of her inspiration comes from her father, Dennis Granc, who was a machinist and Jack-of-All-Trades. While he did recently pass in January 2019, he seems to have left an enduring legacy. This was a man who encouraged a positive way of thinking along with an appreciation for hard work, inspiring his daughter to live her life according to those principles.

“After my dad passed, I thought this was the perfect time to do it,” she said of opening her store which had been a dream for that last 10 years.

Where do you get such unique items as home décor, Wilton cupcake holders and a myriad of trendy products for everybody in the family? Estate sales, Facebook advertisements, online auctions — she said of how she acquires the inventory for her store and highly complimented interior and window displays. As of June 3rd, 2019, when she officially opened, Brittany has been supplying the shop with items, “whereever I can find a good bargain,” she explained. Some items were donated by residents when they first opened to help support the business and she will occasionally buy items from citizens looking to sell but does not do consignment.
While continuing to keep her ear to the ground for the benefit of the customers, Brittany utilizes her Aunt Anita who runs an auction house in Georgia, for additional product sourcing. Anita will call and say ‘hey I have a truck load for you and I’m sending it up.”

Cassidy (Brittany’s sister) who was working the counter checking out customers chimed in with amusement saying when they get these shipments from Anita it’s like, “Surprise! Here you go and we see what it is when it gets here.” “It’s like a treasure hunt,” she said with a youthful spark of joy in her voice as she laughed about the unique family connection.
Some of the biggest sellers are home décor and wall art, homemade wreaths, and Avon products. Sherrie Natcher, Brittany’s mother, who helps in the store, said it seems like they are always selling a lot of baskets. “Just odd different baskets (of all) sizes and shapes.” Sherrie also concocts the Doterra essential oil rollers that sell in the store and help with issues such as mood and sleep.

Repeat customers come back “because prices are decent,” Sherrie said with pride over her daughter’s accomplishment of becoming a caring business owner and community leader. They receive many compliments on the organization and cleanliness of the store.
Brittany’s Bargains has a lot to offer in the 950-square-foot space, but never in any section does it overwhelm its guest with more than they might need. With today’s big box stores like Walmart having everything you want, but nothing that you need, this fresh-faced retailer is offering a step back to simpler times when shopping was fun ‘and life was easy’ (Rascal Flatts anybody?). Or to put it even better as Goldilocks from the well-known children’s fairy tale (Goldilocks and the Three Bears) would say “This store is just right.”

Coming from a large loving family that believes in her, it is no surprise her brother, Jarad, helped with renovations by creating the cutout window and the built-in checkout counter. While her mother and husband assisted in painting the green and yellow pastel colors highlighting the brightness of the store that makes a person smile when they walk in and hear great music like Creedence Clearwater Revival singing “Down on the Corner.”

Brittany has four children of her own, in addition to operating a full-time business and being an Avon representative the past four years. This is not a woman who will ever let the term ‘mommy guilt’ be used to define her! Why, you ask? Because she wants to be a representation of strength and self-development for her children. “If they put their mind to it, they can achieve it. And to not let fear hold them back,” she said of the values she hopes they see in her.

Her biggest fear was of failing right from the start. She knew it would be hard, but she believes a good balance has been found with the help of her husband, Dennis Nutter, along with the assistance of family. Dennis, a contractor and mason by trade, uses “A-Nutter Brick in the Wall” as the slogan for his business. Brittany decided to play up the family name by using the slogan “This, That and a Nutter Thing,” for her store. That is exactly what you will find handmade chocolates (which do include Nutter Butter cookies), Betsy Johnson jewelry and brand new (with tag) toys, shoes and clothes, etc.

If you recently participated in the Taste of Ravenna and shared on Facebook that you were at Brittany’s Bargains you receive 10% off now through August. If you are a repeat customer, make sure to ask for the frequent shopper card. For every $10 you spend before tax you get a stamp. Fill the card with five stamps and get 10% off your next purchase. What a Bargain!

Brittany’s Bargains can be reached on Facebook, by phone at 330-281-2058 and email at brittanysbargains1@yahoo.com. It is located at 254 West Main St., Ravenna, OH, 44266.

Heather Scarlett

Anton Albert Photography