Home Other Areas Families Anonymous Program Helps Those Affected By Substance Abuse

Families Anonymous Program Helps Those Affected By Substance Abuse


Ravenna – Have you found evidence – or do you have even a vague suspicion that someone close to you may have a problem with drugs or alcohol?  Is that person displaying behaviors that could be related to substance abuse?

In the Families Anonymous (FA) program, we learn how the disease of addiction affects the lives of everyone close to the substance abuser, and that we ourselves are in need of help.

Regardless of whether or not our loved ones are ready and willing to stop using drugs or alcohol, there are things we can do to avoid standing in the way of their recovery from substance abuse.  Recovery programs are available for users who are seeking help.  FA, by contrast, was created for us: the parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, or other emotionally-involved relative or friend.

Many recovery programs are available for our addicted loved ones, when they are ready to seek help and recovery.  However, Families Anonymous is for us: the parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, or other emotionally involved relative or friend.

Families Anonymous is an independent, non-profit fellowship of people whose lives have been affected by the use of mind altering substances or related behavioral problems of a relative or friend.  Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings- even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.

We seem to be most helped by listening to those who have shared similar experiences and found some answers,  By attending meetings, studying the literature, and talking to other members, suddenly or gradually our situation begins to look different to us and our reactions to it begin to change.  We learn to face reality with comfort, and our emotional growth is encouraged.  These changes in ourselves can create an atmosphere in the family that promotes recovery.  All discussions are conducted in confidence and anonymity.

Meetings are every Monday evening  7 PM – 8 PM at Coleman Behavioral Services, Sue Hetrick Building, Ravenna Ohio.

Questions call Peggy 330-760-7670 or Heather 330-569-4367


Anton Albert Photography