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Famed Dames


Somebody out there is reading this stuff (Besides you, Mom).
I got another correction, Heaven knows there are probably plenty more deserved.  Anyway, the first Garfield football game is NOT on the 23rd of August, but on the 30th at Cardinal.  That first glitch is a scrimmage, which, while it may be important in the grand scheme of things, is not a keeper as far as record-keeping goes.
*Here’s a heads-up for another series of events—just like the football season, only cultural, don’cha know—that you’ll want to mark on your calendar.
It seems that Damaris Peters-Pike and her faithful “roadie”, Ken Pike are planning a “give-back” celebration of 25 years ( 1040 performances) of portraying important and influential women, particularly in the realm of music.  Yes!  Twenty-five years of Famed Dames! …and some not-so-famed but  key, nonetheless. From medieval times to just yesterday, these women have been onstage, offstage, backstage, stage-struck, stuck-at-home  and instrumental in more ways than even they knew in making music and events that have touched hearts and soothed the savage breast as well as making history, movies and Broadway shows.
So…during the month of October there will be a series—five or seven presentations, to be determined—of performances at five different venues (St. Ambrose Church in Garrettsville, the Disciples of Christ Church in Hiram the Koritansky Meeting Hall in Hiram, the ballroom in Hiram College’s Kennedy Center and the Iva Walker Auditorium at James A. Garfield High School/Middle School ) where we will be visited by a number of the ladies who will tell their stories and stories of the men in their lives.
Tickets will be available when arrangements are finalized.  Watch for further information.  Pick your favorite lady or come meet them all.  The cast of characters will be revealed soon, and a varied lot they are.  Don’t miss this opportunity to make their acquaintance.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography