Home Other Areas Excessive Rain Playing Havoc With Nelson’s Roads

Excessive Rain Playing Havoc With Nelson’s Roads


Nelson Township – Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting at the Community House with all trustees and fiscal officer present. Chairman Joe Leonard led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and brought the meeting to order. Fiscal officer Dave Finney presented the minutes, current funds status, bills and wages, purchase agreement with the state for salt purchase and  letters from various groups. The board approved the minutes, payment of bills and wages, and the contract to purchase salt through the state purchasing group. By purchasing salt through the state, the township is able to save a substantial amount of money. Chuck Vanek, road supervisor, reported that the heavy rains have been hard on the roads with several roads having washout problems. He also stated that the county will help them flush out the culvert on Pritchard Road and the township road crew will continue repairing the washouts.  Mr. Vanek also reported that due to the weather they had not been able to get the cemeteries taken care of as they ordinarily do but, he plans to have work done in the cemetery and also get veteran grave markers and flags out by the end of the week. Vanek said he and Jim Turos have been working on getting a new sign for Pixley Park and should have prices by the next meeting. Trustee Bill Wilson presented his findings on dumpster costs from Sunburst Disposal. After some discussion the board approved to changing garbage service from Universal Disposal to Sunburst at a savings of nearly $20 a month. Wilson also requested that the zoning inspector be accompanied by the sheriff and/or other outside individuals to re-inspect the raceways and the facilities (hold ponds, etc) at U.S. Liquids since there have been several complaints about the smell issue again.  Wilson stated that he is afraid if they don’t keep on the company about the issue it will get pushed to the back burner and go unresolved.  A letter was sent to trustee Wilson from the Garrettsville Police Department requesting permission to use and/or close township roads for a 5K race held during SummerFest. The trustees will issue a letter granting the request. Memorial Day Services are scheduled at Nelson Circle Monday, May 30, 2011 at 10:00 am, however if it is wet it will be held at the Veterans’ Memorial near the Community House. Joe Leonard stated that he has the revised blueprints for the electric at the Community House ready and they will need to apply for the electrical permit for proceeding. This led to a discussion on the electrical service needs. One contractor thought they would need to upgrade their electric to a 400 amp service while another thought the 200 amp service they have is plenty. Wilson believes the 200 amp service they have is enough as well. Leonard will look further into the matter before proceeding with the project. Leonard said some of the local Amish men are working to fix the blown-over dug out at Pixley Park. He also said Brugmann Sand and Gravel will donate 80 tons of sand to the park to help with the drainage problem. The township will be responsible for the cost of transporting the sand. After some discussion, the township determined that it would be more economical to out-source the transportation of the sand rather than do it themselves.Discussions were held on the park committee and trustees’ squabbles, Community House upstairs  use, and  road   maintenance. The trustees decided to let the Park Committee handle the park issues, with trustee Leonard acting as a liaison between the park committee and the board of trustees. This would free up the trustees so they can focus on keeping the townships roads maintained. A resident questioned the use of the upstairs because they thought at one time it was condemned by the fire department. Dave Finney will research this before any use of the upstairs will be permitted.The trustees meet on the first and third Wednesday each month at 7pm at the Community House, however the June 1, 2011 meeting will be held at 6 pm with the all -boards meeting following it. The all-board meeting is a public meeting for residents to ask zoning questions. The zoning commission, zoning board of appeals and the assistant county prosecutor will be on hand to answer any questions one might have. For more Nelson news visit their website at www.nelsontownshipohio.org

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography