Home News “Ditch the workout, join the party”

“Ditch the workout, join the party”


Garrettsville – Zumba is a fun dance workout that is for beginners & pros, men & women. Everyone is welcome to join, you move at your own pace so there is no need to be rushed. You can burn anywhere from 600-1000 calories in just one workout! So you ask yourself, where can I take Zumba? Well, Zumba is on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8-9pm at the Roller Hutt right here in good old G-ville. Plus, it’s only $6 per class! Want to get involved? Call Zumba instructor Mariah Kandel at 330-205-6520. Mariah has been attending classes for over a year and been a certified instructor for 5 months and she loves every second of it! Mariah wants to thank her inspiration, Leighann Forward for helping her lose 60 pounds since joining the Zumba program and for inspiring her to become an instructor to help others do the same. She also would like to thank Linda Dlugokecki for letting her use the Roller Hutt for the hottest workout around. Come and give it a try and shimmy-shake without the skates.

Staff Reporter