Home Schools District-Wide Band Concert Honors Armed Forces

District-Wide Band Concert Honors Armed Forces


Garrettsville – On Sunday, the day after Armed Forces Day, the J.A. Garfield School District held its district-wide concert.   The twenty-first annual event featured band students from each grade, including the fourth grade recorders, and  honored those who have served and are serving our country.  The high school band opened the program with our National Anthem while Reservists from the United States Air Force (USAF) based in Youngstown presented the colors before a packed gymnasium of family and friends. Each of the school bands (fifth grade through High School) had an opportunity to showcase what they had accomplished during the school year.  The bands wowed the crowed with movie tunes, songs from the Beatles, patriotic songs, John Phillips Sousa Marches and even the “William Tell Overture”. Our fourth graders were featured when they played two numbers showcasing their newly acquired skills on the recorders. The fifth grade band amazed everyone with their accomplishments after only 6-7 months of lessons, while the Sixth Grade band entertained the crowd when their percussion section dressed as construction workers when they played “Construction Zone”.  The seventh grade band entertained the crowd with sounds from the Beatles, while the eighth grader played the “William Tell Overture”. One of the concert’s highlights was when the high school band performed the Battle Hymn Republic with community choir members representing St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Garrettsville United Methodist Chancel Choir and members of the high school choir — this was truly a sight to behold and hear.  When the high school band hit the first note one could hear a pin drop in the gym. The crowd rose for the occasion as the USAF color guard stood at attention. Before too long everyone was lost in the moment, especially when the choir joined the band in their rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. The concert’s grand finale was when all the schools bands played the fight song together.  The bands rocked the house down while the audience stood in awe of their children’s accomplishments. Both events were totally breathtaking. The 7th & 8th grade bands along with the high school band are under the direction of Theo Cebulla. The fifth and sixth grade bands are under the direction of Joe Gaither while the recorders were under the direction of Mr. Ken Fox.  Congratulations to all participants on a job well done!

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography