Home News Dilapidated Mobile Homes Hot Topic at Windham Meeting

Dilapidated Mobile Homes Hot Topic at Windham Meeting


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regular scheduled meeting last week with all trustees and fiscal officer present. Also in attendance, were township employee Mike Dye and Zoning inspector Joe Pinti.

The meeting was called to order by chairman Dann Timmons. Residents from Gotham Road were there to question what was being done about  the mobile homes on their road that are dilapidated and half-gutted. They also wanted something done about the high grass at another mobile home on the street. The residents even brought pictures of the problem areas. After hearing their complaints, the trustees and zoning inspector addressed the issue, stating that they have gone through the proper procedures and were at the point where the two mobile homes were supposed to be removed by the owners by June 1, 2012 or the trustees would have them removed and the cost assessed to the taxes. The trustees received a bid $5000 to have them removed prior to the owners gutting them. The contractor was contacted and issued a new bid of $2500 to remove each of them and said he could have them removed over the weekend. The trustees unanimously voted to have George Gibson remove the mobile homes and have the cost assessed to the owner’s taxes. The trustees will consider having a sheriff’s deputy to accompany the contractor.

The other mobile home grass issue falls under the nuisance code in the zoning code.  The zoning inspector has been out there numerous times with no response, so the trustees will have the prosecutor issue a letter to the owner.

Roads Supervisor Brian Miller stated that they have received bids for chip -n- sealing Geneva, Wisteria and Crestview Roads for $19,698.35 and a bid for $18,278.80 for improvements and chip-n-seal of Hewins Road in Windham Township. The work on these roads will commence soon.

In cemetery news, a previous complaint from a resident about the mower hitting stones at the cemetery was addressed and the stones have been reset, however after examining them they have determined they were not hit by the mowers.

The new fence at the cemetery is installed and looks good. The historical society is interested in the gates from the old fence. The trustees approved giving the gates to the historical society. The rest of the old fencing will be put up for sale on the internet. Township worker, Mike Dye has been working at the cemetery and needs to put in a drain before he can continue to expand the one section. The trustees approved the purchase of drain tile to do to the job. When he is finished he will have created about100 more grave sites at the cemetery.

Other issues addressed were replacement of damaged concrete in the gazebo area where a tree fell and destroyed the concrete, resident complaints about large trucks on Frazier Road, and fracking issues. Timmons stated that residents will need to take pictures of trucks on the road and try to get a plate number and name of company before they can do anything. Trustee Brian Miller stated they have no control over the fracking as the Ohio Department of Natural Resources governs gas and oil drilling, however he has contacted Representative Kathleen Clyde to see if she can help with the issue. The trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm at the town hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography