Home Iva's Input Democracy, Disney and other March Madness

Democracy, Disney and other March Madness


Anybody else remember that sort of current events/comedy show from back in the Dark Ages? “That Was The Week That Was”? Well, I just had one of those that was about ten days long. What a ride…literally!

Not even including the regular third Monday of the James A. Garfield Historical Society, though not including it would mean skipping over the discussions of the time capsule opening event, which is coming right up, the interest in T-shirts and the SummerFest parade, scholarship essays, hosting a meeting of the InterMuseum Council and letters to go into the NEW time capsule…and any other little historical thing. Then on to the next thing.

So… it started with the primary election on March 19, wherein I served as one of the precinct election officials(PEO), which involves a loooong day (5:45 for PEOs, 6:30 for the voting public, until 7:30 closing of the polls, followed by wrap-up for the election officials–final counts and double checks of everything and delivery of all that to the county board of elections where it will be checked again–say, eight o’clock or so) for everyone involved. That takes me to Wednesday, when I spend time packing up for a long-anticipated trip to Florida’s storied enclave of Disney Magic (Walt Disney World, est. 1971). Wowzaaah! Plane ride to Orlando was just fine–not counting the fact that somewhere around three-fifths of the entire population of Northeast Ohio was thronging through Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, hoping to go somewhere–anywhere–for Spring Break. Luckily, I had fearless and knowledgeable minders to get me in and through the crowds. Didja know that over a designated age one does not have to take off one’s shoes to go through the TSA check? Guess that I looked old enough by then; knew there must be some kind of reward to this aging stuff. The actual flight was just fine. I sat by the window and pointed out interesting stuff to the two well-behaved children who were in the row with me (You thought I would give them my chance to look out? Ha!); exiting was equally uneventful and then we were off.

First item of business was to pick up the rental car. Easier said than done. First, the keycard for the Tesla did a disappearing act and searching for it took awhile,until–ABRACADABRA–there it was and away we went, only to be confounded by the continuing flashes of the hazard lights, which seemed to have an on/off switch hidden away so that it could not be interfered with in case of danger. Finally found that item, ate lunch (Didja know that Bollywood films have no storyline or plot, just occasions to sing and dance in big crowds? Food was good though) and left for the motel. Discovered Mr Tech, Ben Coll, waiting to get in his room and to join the band when they arrived. No waiting around with an Uber on call. Hit the Florida Mall, which is like every other mall you’ve ever been in, only more expensive. Had my feet massaged; he would have liked to do more bodywork but that undercarriage wasn’t cutting it. Hooked up with the band at the Animal Kingdom and explored until it was time to be motel-bound. Ready for bed, eh ?

Next full day was a little damp–pouring down, actually–and coolish but considerably better than what folks were hearing from home. The day gradually cleared a little and was just fine for going on rides and attractions. Rides that I will go on are usually pretty tame–no roller coasters or Demon Drops, thank you very much. Liked seeing the animals. I heard that there was a wager placed concerning who could get me to go on some really fast, really high up, really scary contraption but whoever was on the “She will,” rather than “She won’t” lost their “mad money” for awhile–”She did not.”

There’s more to this tale than has, so far, met the eye. Next installment will get into what I can remember (It all blends together at some point.) and my peregrinations through “The Happiest Place On Earth.” ( I saw one dad with a t-shirt that said. “The Most Expensive Place On Earth.” He wasn’t far wrong.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography