Home Letters to The Editor Dear Editor…

Dear Editor…


On November 4, 2014, the voters of the Village of Windham and Windham Township will be asked to renew the 4 mil levy that supports the WVFD Joint Fire District.

Although we have a relatively small community, our fire department is one of the busiest in the county, providing both fire and rescue services to our residents. Many, myself and my family included, can attest to the appreciation we have felt when one of our local heroes…a familiar face…walks through the door in our time of need, literally minutes after we have called.

The levy that is on the ballot is a renewal and not an increase in taxes and at 4 mils, it is a bargain considering what neighboring communities pay for the same level of services. I urge all residents of the Windham community to support the levy.


Dann S. Timmons, Chairman

WVFD Joint Fire District


Anton Albert Photography