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Deadline! Deadline! Deadline!


Give some thought to running for office. Somebody’s got to do it. If you have ever thought to yourself, “Heck. I could do better than that.” “Who ARE these Yahoos, anyway?” “Can’t we get something DONE here?” or words to that effect, why don’t you step up to the plate and see what it’s really like to be responsible. Townships, towns, boards, commissions, councils—they all need members and administrators and people who listen to their citizenry, consider what needs to be done, and do their best to see that things do get done. This often involves not being real popular but it’s also being a real necessary part of how the world works. Somebody needs to do this. You could BE SOMEBODY.

Run for council—seats are open. Run for Board of Public Affairs. Run for trustee. Run for zoning board or board of appeals. Run for school board. Run for fiscal officer. Run for your own education about how things work and who does the work and what the parameters are.

Like they say at Nike : Just Do It

Get a petition. Get signatures. Get on the ballot. Put your money where your mouth is.

Iva Walker

Mespo Market