Home Mantua De Novo Wellness Opens Heart Space in Mantua

De Novo Wellness Opens Heart Space in Mantua

Michelle and Jen at DeNovo Wellness Heart Space

As more and more individuals seek to establish healthier routines to better-support their physical and mental health, two local wellness practitioners have been helping individuals and organizations learn how to incorporate holistic practices into their everyday lives. 

Michelle Kennedy from De Novo Wellness and Jen Wykoff from the Reiki Ranch have been offering instruction in practices including meditation, reiki, breathwork, and sound bathing at Wykoff’s Reiki Ranch in Garrettsville. ‘De nova’ means new beginning, a fitting name for Kennedy’s business, one that prompted her to leave a career in finance to embark on the journey of holistic healing. Reiki is the Japanese name for “Universal Life Force Energy.” As an accredited reiki practitioner, Wykoff uses reiki to treat her clients – humans and animals — and her Reiki Ranch incorporates a menagerie of rescued creatures that both benefit from and help practitioners with hands-on practice. 

When people reach out to find out more about these ‘new’ treatments, they learn that these practices have been used around the world for hundreds of years. The methods they use work on the mind, body and spirit and can reduce stress as well as physical and emotional pain. In fact, today many traditional medical professionals are embracing holistic treatments. Reiki therapy has been used in over 900 US hospitals and healthcare systems, including the Cleveland Clinic. In information shared there, they note that reiki is safe to use to compliment patients’ regular medical treatment and medications, as it has been found to support the body’s natural healing abilities. 

As their programs have become more popular, Kennedy and Wykoff sought new space to better serve students. And as the Reiki Ranch is also Jen’s family home, an increase in business added unneeded stress to family life, trying to keep the common spaces of their home ready for students and programs. “Luckily, our new space is always “on and ready to go,” Jen shared. 

Their new location, De Novo Wellness Heart Space, is conveniently located at 9222 State Route 44, near the turnpike in Mantua. “Our new space has a ‘Zen’ feel, tucked away on acres of green space,” Kennedy shared. “The space is inviting and comfortable, with natural light and high ceilings.”

“A great deal of my business focuses on self-awareness,” she noted. Kennedy is a licensed stress and well-being assessment provider, and she practices what she teaches. “Self-awareness begins with recognizing a need, then deciding where the need sits in us — emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually,” she explained. The work begins in discovering practical and effective methods and practices to care for the self.” 

De Novo Wellness Heart Space is a cozy place to meet and talk one-on-one, with heart-to-heart human connection. In addition, Kennedy also offers tuning fork services to help create inner harmony, and programs on the human biofield as well.

Kennedy and Wykoff’s students range in age and background, from retired folks to twenty-something students. Kennedy’s Compassion Fatigue classes have been approved by the Ohio Nurses Association for participants to earn CEUs. “Caregivers and especially nurses need to learn the importance of self-care,” Kennedy explained. “It’s just like on an airplane, when they advise you to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping those around you, nurses need to prioritize self-care to continue effectively serving others.” This special program can be scheduled at De Novo’s Heart Space or may be scheduled at a facility or organization.

Wykoff’s Reiki 1 & 2 workshops have been approved for inclusion by the Holistic Nurses Association to earn CEU credits. The new space in Mantua provides a more central location and dedicated space for programming. Longer programs, day retreats, and animal programs including equine-therapy will still take place at the Reiki Ranch in Garrettsville. 

For more information, visit www.denovo-wellness.com, www.reikiranchohio.com, or call (440) 221-3173 to make an appointment at the new De Novo Wellness Heart Space at 9222 State Route 44 in Mantua.

Stacy Turner