Home Other Areas Dam Safety Presentation

Dam Safety Presentation


Geauga County – If you own a regulated dam on your property, or know someone who does, you will be interested in attending a meeting on dam safety, liability, and planning for the future.  Dam owners, public safety officials, and community leaders are strongly encouraged to attend.  The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 30th from 6:00 – 9:00 pm at the West Woods Nature Center (9465 Kinsman Road, Novelty, Ohio 44072).

Martin Joyce and Rodney Tornes, P.E., from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Resources, will speak at the three-hour presentation. Topics include how dams work and how they fail, dam maintenance and inspections, and current regulations regarding liability.  A portion of the meeting will be devoted to landowners’ creation of Emergency Action Plans for Class I, II, and III dams, which is critical for addressing dam safety and owner liability.

The meeting is sponsored by ODNR Division of Soil and Water Resources, Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Geauga County Department of Emergency Services.  Registration is required Friday, April 26th.  Please call Geauga SWCD at (440) 834-1122 for more information or to register.



Anton Albert Photography