Home Mantua Crestwood To Honor Graduates at Midway Drive-In

Crestwood To Honor Graduates at Midway Drive-In


Mantua – Recently Dave McMahon, Principal of Crestwood High School, shared details on the graduation plans for the class of 2020. He noted that based on guidelines released on April 29th by Governor DeWine and the Ohio Board of Health, schools are not permitted to conduct face-to-face graduations at any time this summer. He noted that Crestwood is working to create a memorable virtual graduation event, which has begun filming this week, and assigns each graduating senior with an appointed time to be filmed for inclusion. He asks that seniors arrive at CHS according to the schedule and notes that while parents are welcome to attend to see your senior walk across the stage, attendance must be limited to comply with social distancing guidelines.

McMahon shared that on Wednesday, June 3rd Crestwood High School will celebrate 2020 commencement at Midway Drive-In in Kent/Ravenna (2736 State Route 59). He noted that gates will open at 7 pm with commencement beginning at 8 pm. The festivities will include a procession of vehicles containing our seniors and their families. He noted that each graduate will be given two vehicle admission tickets; there is no limit to the number of people who attend- they must simply be able to fit in the two vehicles and remain in their vehicle at all times. “We encourage you to decorate your vehicle to show your pride in your graduate,” McMahon shared, noting that out of courtesy of those attending, no large limos/RV’s/small busses are permitted, as these vehicles would obstruct the view of others. 

The virtual graduation will be shown on the big screen at 9:20 pm, followed by a movie chosen by our senior class for those who choose to remain to watch. Additionally, they are working on the possibility of live-streaming the event and a no-cost copy of the entire ceremony will be provided to each graduate. 

McMahon noted, “I understand that this may be difficult for many of us (me included) to be faced with the need to celebrate such an important milestone in our kid’s lives in a very non-traditional way. Thank you to the many parents and community members who are working with us to bring as many special memories as possible to our seniors.” He concluded, “Please join me in a positive spirit, making the best that we can of a very difficult, unfortunate situation.” 

In other news, at their April Board meeting which was live-streamed to the public, Superintendent David Toth thanked teachers, staff, and the technology team for pivoting quickly to online education to serve the District’s students. Toth also expressed appreciation to families for helping their students work through online learning from home. He noted that the District’s Food Service team had already distributed roughly 18,000 meals to less-fortunate students, and thanked bus drivers for delivering food and school assignments to students without transportation. 

Toth noted that while the buildings are closed, the security vestibule, which was funded by grants, has been completed at CHS, as have upgrades to cameras. He shared that as State requirements for the current school year continue to evolve, updates will be shared with families via FaceBook, Twitter, and the District’s website, adding that he is available at the Board office every day by phone or via email at dtoth@crestwoodschools.org. 

The next School Board meeting will take place at 7 pm on May 12th; visit crestwoodschools.org for the latest details on how to gain access.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography