Home Portage County Crestwood Students Bring Home Gold and Silver

Crestwood Students Bring Home Gold and Silver


Two Crestwood students that are currently enrolled in the Electricity program at Maplewood Career Center brought home Gold and Silver at the Northeast Ohio SkillsUSA Regional Competition. James Wheeler, a senior, competed in the construction wiring competition last year but did not make it to state. “James came into this year with a desire to learn and be the very best” instructor Joe Svonavec noted. James went to compete in the Local Industrial Motor control competition held at Maplewood and advanced to Regionals. At regionals he earned first place and an opportunity to compete at the state level.

 Clay Bascombe, also a senior, competed in the construction wiring competition both at the local and regional level. “Clay is an exceptionally hard working young man. He has really stepped up and proved that he has what it takes to compete at a high level”, Mr. Svonavec said. Just the evening before the competition Clay suffered an injury to the face while at baseball practice causing a late night visit to the hospital and six stiches. “Even with stitches and a fractured orbital causing his eye to be swollen shut, he still showed up ready to win”. Clay went on to place second in his competition also giving him a place at states. The state competition will be held at the Columbus convention center on April 7th and 8th. We want to congratulate all the students on their accomplishments and wish them well as they represent Maplewood and their homeschools in the state championship. 


Anton Albert Photography