Home Schools Crestwood Schools Undergo Major Overhaul

Crestwood Schools Undergo Major Overhaul


Mantua – Superintendent David Toth opened the meeting by addressing the School Board and the 50 meeting attendees by highlighting his goal of increasing communication throughout the district. To that end, Toth plans to continue using the automated phone system to share district-wide events with community members. In addition, Superintendent Toth is available via phone or email, and via Twitter at @crestwoodsupt. In his address, he also commended teachers, staff and volunteers who have already begun preparations for the new school year, highlighting that the Summer Reading Program, Safety Town, and Camp Invention Program were all successfully held at the Primary and Intermediate campus this week.
In further news, Bill Andexler, Operations/Maintenance Services, reported that the Improvement Projects are progressing well. Large painting crews completed interior painting throughout the High and Middle Schools, and maintenance crews completed preventative maintenance jobs as well. In the Primary and Intermediate buildings, gymnasium lights were updated to instant on/off ballasts, and the HVAC systems were balanced and reprogrammed. Exterior building lights are now on an automated system. In addition, the locksets for each exterior door were updated, with keys provided to the Mantua Police Department, in case of emergency.
At the Middle School, work on one roof has been completed. Windows have been re-caulked, and work is being done on exterior façade tiles. Work has begun on the new boilers, and work on the elevator is scheduled to begin in a month. At the High School, work is continuing in earnest, as the roof, gymnasium lighting, building re-lamping, and boiler projects continue simultaneously. Andexler estimated that 95% of the building received new uni-vents, and the maintenance crew fitted screens into all the building’s windows. Key areas have begun with window replacements, and a scheduled plan  has been developed to systematically replace all 130 windows over time. Ventilation work is being completed in the back west wing, and work is being completed to reactivate louvers in the ceilings to improve air circulation and ventilation. Interior locks have been replaced.
In addition, rewiring and network updates have been conducted throughout all four school buildings to provide students and staff with increased computer speed and wireless capabilities. The track-resurfacing project has also been completed. Lastly, the Board passed a resolution to move forward with the Sports Pavilion Project in front of the Primary and Intermediate Campus. Chris Syphrit, Maintenance Supervision, and Bill Andexler will manage the project, using local contractors to complete the structure for use as soon as possible, and within the Board-approved budget of $25,000.
The next regularly scheduled School Board meeting will take place on September 9 at 7 pm in the High School Library.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography