Home Schools Crestwood School News – August 2014

Crestwood School News – August 2014


Mantua – At the last meeting of the Crestwood School Board, Principal Cindy Ducca introduced two new teacher recently hired to the district: Miss Amanda Marlow, who will teach kindergarten, and Miss Tessa Mannarino, who will teach first grade. Next, Middle School Principal Julie Schmidt introduced new hire Dave Verhotz, whose focus will be on science. Lastly, High School Principal Dave McMahon introduced several new staff hires, starting with CHS alumna Jessica Mazanetz, recently added to the roster, covering AP US History and AP Government. In addition, Mr. McMahon congratulated Erin Miller, the new Choir Director, and welcomed Assistant Principal Craig Boles. Mr. Boles joins Crestwood after completing his internship in Administration at Waterloo, where he taught health and physical education. In addition, he is a former football coach. Lastly, Superintendent Dave Toth welcomed back former retirees Kristy Jones and Betty Minor, who will be returning to the Crestwood District this fall.

In addition, Mr. Toth shared that during the summer, the Technology team has installed chrome book computer labs at the Primary, Intermediate and Middle Schools, and has added 16 more wireless access points at locations throughout the high school. In addition, he shared that the Ohio Department of Education has changed the requirements for graduating seniors. While the number of credits required for graduation remains the same (4 units each of English & Math, 3 units each of Science & Social Studies, ½ unit each of Health & Physical Education, and 5 electives), new tests and an exit exam will be implemented, as well as a points system, details of which will be forthcoming. These new requirements will take effect for the class of 2018.

In other news, Transportation Manager Bill Andexler announced that two new buses were purchased for the District, and will be in service for the coming school year. In addition, parking lots district-wide have been sealed and patched in preparation for the coming school year.

This Sunday, August 24th, from 5-8pm, Crestwood Schools will hold Community Day at Crestwood High School. Come for an evening of family fun, including bouncy houses, magic, balloon twisting and face painting. A pep rally will begin at 7pm. In addition, the fire and police departments will give tours of a fire truck and police car, and local organizations will be on hand to share community information. Please bring extra school supplies and new or gently used backpacks to “Stuff the Bus” for less fortunate families in the community.

Lastly, Open House is on Monday, August 25th — Crestwood Primary and Intermediate Schools will be open from 5 – 7 pm, while the Middle and High Schools will be open from 6 – 8 pm. All Students’ begin the 2014-2015 school year on Tuesday, August 26th.

The next regularly scheduled School Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 3rd in the CHS Library at 7 pm.


Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography