Home Schools Crestwood School Board Special Meeting Held

Crestwood School Board Special Meeting Held


Mantua – A special Crestwood School Board meeting was held at the High School on September 19 to discuss the $1.2 – $1.8 million dollars in District budget cuts coming shortly from the State. The public session of the meeting covered general category cuts or reductions, including increases in participation fees at the Middle and High Schools, proposed reductions in district-wide transportation, a proposal to provide tuition-based all-day kindergarten program, cuts to teaching, classified and administrator positions, and reductions in district-wide communications.
Constructive discussions were held, as the Board and the public had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify components of Superintendant Iacano’s proposed cuts, but no decisions have been formalized. The Superintendant and School Board went into Executive Session to discuss budget considerations dealing with specific District personnel.
At the end of the public meeting, teachers and community members in attendance had the opportunity to sign up to help support the school levy on the ballot in November.  Interested parties who missed the meeting may contact Tara Reid at the Superintendent’s office at (330) 274-8511 or treid@crestwoodschools.org to sign up.
The next School Board meeting will be held on Monday, October 1 at 7 pm in the High School Library.

Stacy Turner