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Crestwood School Board News

Crestwood School Board members Dan Tillet, Eric Hummel, Kristen Cavanaugh, Bonnie Lovejoy, and Todd Monroe with Crestwood’s new Red Devil mascot.

At their first meeting of 2024, Fiscal Officer Katie Hoffmeister conducted a swearing in of the newly elected and re-elected board members, after selecting Dan Tillet as Board President and Kristen Cavanaugh as Vice President in the annual organizational meeting. Once the organizational meeting began, Tillet addressed the board and guests. In his comments, he noted gratitude in being elected to serve on the board at this time. He added, “I see a greater desire in the community to join with this board to take steps forward to excellence for every student, now more than ever.” 

When January’s regular board meeting began shortly after the organizational meeting ended, board members were welcomed by Crestwood’s new Red Devil mascot. In addition, board members were presented with certificates of appreciation for their service, as January is School Board Recognition month.

In her Financial report, District Fiscal Officer Hoffmeister noted that the district is in a favorable financial position as compared to the revenue forecast. She asked the board to approve a few revenue adjustments to modify the expenditures that had been approved in September. The adjustments were approved by the board and included additional funding for tutoring received through a state grant, as well as donations in the amount of $1,000 that were provided to the district. 

As the meeting progressed, the board heard about a new method of grading at CHS wherein students grades in each class would be based 80% on test scores and 20% on homework assignments. It was noted that the other campuses already determine grades in this manner. Afterward, the board received updates and news from each Crestwood building principal. 

In other news, it was noted that the CHS Cheer Squad will host a K-8 Youth Cheer Clinic. The program takes place Wednesday, January 31st, Thursday, February 1st, and Monday, February 5th. After completing the clinic, attendees will be invited to perform at the CHS basketball game on Tuesday, February 6th. For more information or to register, email eirvine@crestwoodschools.org or ldamato@crestwoodschools.org.

Lastly, the CHS Freshman and Junior classes are sponsoring a western-themed Mother and Son night on March 2nd from 5:30 – 8:30 pm. The event will feature a DJ, balloon artist, bounce houses, and raffles. For more information or to purchase tickets, call (330) 357-8205.

The next regularly scheduled Crestwood School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13th at 7 pm. Meetings are streamed at crestwoodschools.org and are open to the public at the Administration Building on John Edwards Drive.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography