Home Mantua Crestwood School Board News

Crestwood School Board News


Mantua – Superintendent Dr. David Toth recognized Angela Adkins, the District’s 7-12 Band Director, along with the entire Scarlet Guard Marching Band for their performance at the State Marching Band Competition. The Scarlet Guard earned the highest rating – Superior – at this annual competition. In other news, Dr. Toth shared details on the virtual Town Hall meeting held in mid-December. This meeting provided an opportunity for community members who were unable to attend the in-person meeting with another opportunity to ask questions, voice concerns, or share their comments about the district.

In Public Comment, community member Rich McIntyre, head of the Crestwood Revitalization Committee was present to share the group’s progress. McIntyre noted that the Committee now has 75 members, which includes residents and business owners. The group met in October in order to organize members on a variety of committees within the group. They plan to meet in January; McIntyre requested help from the board in order to conduct a facility survey of the district’s buildings. Future plans include surveys of similar-sized district facilities to help them better ascertain Crestwood’s needs. In addition, the group plans to hold an anonymous survey of district staff regarding Crestwood’s facilities. On a financial note, McIntyre reminded the board that several projects under development near the Turnpike would bring in additional revenue for the district, helping bolster the district’s financial position.

In other news, the board accepted donations from a variety or organizations and individuals. Dollar General donated $500 in hand sanitizer and wipes, Daystar Ford donated $250 for board games at indoor recess, and the Reed and Walker families donated $100 toward unpaid lunch balances.

Lastly, the Board elected Karen Schulz as President Pro Tempore for the 2023 organizational meeting. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 10th at 6:30 pm in the Administration Building on John Edwards Drive. The regular board meeting will be held immediately following the organizational meeting; the community is encouraged to attend online or in person.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography