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Crestwood School Board News


Mantua – At the final Board meeting in October, Superintendent David Toth shared that the District’s first Career Fair had been held at the Central Administration office (at the former Middle School). Toth noted that several area companies were present, seeking employees and providing an opportunity for CHS students to ask career questions and find employment. The success for both students and employers has prompted discussions to make the event an annual or twice-yearly program, as well as the opportunity for field trips to local businesses. 

In other news, Toth shared that the Central Administration office will be open to the community for walking throughout the colder months. The building will be available from 7:30 am until 1 pm Monday through Thursday; to participate, walkers must stop in the main office to register. Lastly, Superintendent Toth noted that the Impact Group, whom the District hired to gather community input for the District’s Strategic Plan, has concluded their information gathering. It was noted that 442 community surveys were completed, 20+ staff surveys, and 143 telephone surveys to community members were completed. In addition, the team held three focus groups, each of which included 30 – 40 individuals, as well as focus groups with District students and staff. These findings will be compiled and shared in the near future and used in order to help set future goal for the District for the future.  

Next, Sarah Palm, District Treasurer/CFO shared a reminder that the PI Levy Renewal is on November 2nd Election ballot. She stressed that the renewal would not include additional tax increases, and has been renewed successfully since 1987. She noted that the Levy generates $459,179 that would be used for things like school busses, building equipment, athletic equipment, furnaces, and hot water heaters. She confirmed that the funds cannot be used for salaries. Palm noted that the State Triennial Budget update was just completed, which sets the new valuations on homes. The results on how it will impact Crestwood will be available for the November 9th meeting, where Palm will review the District’s updated Five Year Forecast. She also noted that the Fair School Funding Provision (House Bill 110) has several components the District is tracking; with final calculations to be disbursed in the December Foundation Funding Report.

In Public Comment, parent Nancy Roman voiced concern at the notion that the Board will limit Public Comment at future meetings. She noted that, “Everyone has a right to be heard.” Board President Karen Schulz explained that while the Board has the option to limit comments in an effort to maintain order and conduct business, often, time has been extended to provide participants an opportunity to speak. Board member Kristen Cavanaugh reiterated, sharing, “We’re trying to establish a protocol,” she continued, “It has nothing to do with not hearing you.”

Next, parent Hillary Snyder shared her concerns that due to Covid precautions, parents don’t have access to volunteer at their children’s schools. She also shared concerns that students aren’t provided with basic typing instruction, and are teaching themselves to hunt and peck, which is slow and ineffective and will put them at a disadvantage, since computers will be integral in their future. She also note wanting to attend one of the Superintendent’s Coffee Talks, but noted the time wasn’t ideal. Superintendent Toth thanked her for the input and will be offering an adjusted time for future events.

In other District news, fourteen juniors and seniors were inducted into the CHS National Honor Society last week. NHS officers Adelaine Oliphant, President; Ava Mory, VP; Sarah Maretka, Secretary; Emily Marek, Treasurer; and Sydney Coburn, Historian, recognized the group. The evening’s keynote speaker was Dr. Louis Oliphant, Ph.D, Computer Science Professor at Hiram College. NHS advisors are CHS teachers John and Kim Marfy.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 9th at 7 pm at Crestwood Primary School. This will be the only Board meeting in November.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography