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Crestwood School Board News


Mantua – At a recent meeting, the School Board accepted the resignation of Charles McDougall “under protest” in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3319.15 and 3314.103. 

In public comment, parent Kathleen Slacas spoke advocating mask usage within the district’s schools. She asked the board to respect Science and set a good example for the students. In addition, Slacas shared documentation, noting her thought that as a public school, the district should following the guidance of the CDC, in light of the Federal funds received by the district.

Next, another parent, Kathryn Uhlir inquired about an assembly that was held at which students were required to wear masks. It was noted that masks were required  as specied by the speaker. High School Principal Dave McMahon noted that students could decide whether they preferred to wear a mask and attend the presentation or use the time as a study hall. Uhlir also asked why her son was eating on the floor in the gym, instead of the cafeteria, why he did not have a locker, and why there is no air conditioning in the school building. She offered to buy an air conditioner for his classroom.

Superintendent Dave Toth noted that due to electrical concerns, installing an individual air conditioning unit in classrooms is not an option, but that the district is soliciting bids for building-wide climate control, to be financed with grant funding.  Board member Kristen Cavanaugh clarified that the district is following current CDC guidance in recommending masks. In response to Uhlir’s question about lockers, Toth explained that they are looking into the locker situation, but noted that sharing lockers may be necessary. Toth noted that the District currently has 680 students in grades seven through twelve at CHS. He noted that while the building formerly held more than 800 students, it was unclear whether they shared lockers, or if over time lockers had been removed. Cavanaugh recollected that while she was a student at CHS, she believed lockers were shared. McMahon noted he’s looking into sharing lockers, but voiced concerns about social distancing, should students be forced to share locker space.

Lastly, it was noted that the district has partnered with the Impact Group to create a Strategic Plan for the next three years, and needs community input. To help, district stakeholders are asked to complete an online survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SGJ3YZ7. The link can also be found at the district’s website, crestwoodschools.org.

The next regular board meeting will be held at Crestwood Primary School at 7 pm on Tuesday, September 28.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography