Home Mantua Crestwood School Board News

Crestwood School Board News


Mantua – At their recent organizational meeting, the Crestwood School Board elected Karen Schulz to serve as Board President and Kristen Cavanaugh to serve as Vice President in 2021. They determined that the board would continue the pattern of meeting monthly at the Crestwood Primary School building at 7 pm. 

In their first regular meeting of 2021, which was held immediately following the January 5th Organizational meeting, the board adopted a resolution certifying the funds that would be raised, should voters approve an earned income tax levy on the May 4th, 2021 ballot. 

The board passed an initial resolution at the December 21st meeting, giving District Treasurer Sarah Palm permission to request certification of the funds that would be generated by the proposed levy. According to the County Tax Commissioner for the State of Ohio, if voters pass the proposed 1.25% earned income tax, the district will raise an annual sum of $3,635,977, which was certified by the entity on December 22nd. 

If approved by voters, these funds will be used for the operating expenses of the district. The proposed levy would be effective beginning on January 1, 2022, and would be in effect for ten years.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 26th. For a complete list of the meetings tentatively scheduled through the rest of 2021, visit crestwoodschools.org and visit the Board of Education page. 

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography