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Crestwood School Board News


Mantua – Items sent to parents over the last few weeks:

Crestwood has contracted with Akron Children’s’ Hospital for nursing services for school clinics. Together with ACH, they’ve developed protocols for students and families during the pandemic. First and foremost, they are asking parents and staff to complete a daily health check each morning before coming to school or sending students to school. They ask that families make sure to have a reliable thermometer to check temperatures; and remind families that no one should come to school or remain at school if they have a fever or have had one in the last 24 hours. In addition, if they experience any of the following symptoms, including chills, sweating, or a temperature of 100 degrees F or greater, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, body aches, loss of sense of taste or smell, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, or headache, they should not report to school. If symptoms are present at school, the patient will be placed in immediate isolation, and parents will be contacted to pick their child up within one hour. Parents are asked to make sure their children’s emergency contact information is up-to-date, and asked to develop a plan for picking up their children within 60 minutes.

Superintendent David Toth noted that just because a student gets sent home from school doesn’t mean they have Covid-19. The nurse within the school will provide direction based on the number of symptoms and the severity. If your child has seasonal allergies or any other condition which may present similar symptoms, they ask that parents please make sure to notify the school in advance. He noted that school health aides are experienced at recognizing COVID, and they won’t be sending students home needlessly. He noted that this is the protocol the Akron Children’s Hospital and the Portage County Health Department have asked the District to follow.

On a similar note, Toth announced that school-based health centers will be added to each building in the District. These private clinics will offer health services at school, where children spend the majority of their time. With parent’s consent, students can be scheduled to meet with the nurse practitioner for medical needs. This does not replace the school clinics, students won’t be seen without a signed consent form; they won’t be seen w/out your permission. Students can be seen in person with an exam or via telehealth through a computer or iPad in a private room and via a private connection. This service doesn’t replace the child’s regular doctor; however, school health aides may recommend that students could benefit from this service. Instead, it can be used to avoid students missing school and parents missing work to address minor health issues such as rashes, sore throats, ear infections, pink eye, sports physicals. Your first call should be to your child’s regular doctor; if you don’t have a doctor, Akron Children’s Hospital can help you find one. Permission slips will be available at each building’s clinic and are necessary in order to schedule a visit with the Nurse Practitioner in-person or online.

Lastly, correspondence was sent to parents of CMS and CHS students regarding heat index issues, since there is no air conditioning in those buildings. It’s noted that extreme heat conditions can create unsafe conditions for learning and other activities. Dr. Mark Arredondo, the Director of the Portage County Health Department, stated that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends caution for people wearing masks when the heat index, which factors in air temperature and humidity, reaches 91 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. It has been determined that in the Crestwood District if the heat index is forecast to be a heat index of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or above, we’ll consider closing the Middle and High Schools, and students will have a remote learning day. CPS and CIS, which have air conditioning, will still attend school on those days; parents will be notified by 6 am that day if the Middle and High Schools will be closed. As a side note, Mr. Toth noted that according to official recommendations, fans are allowed, and windows should remain open to allow fresh air to circulate when possible in classrooms and on busses.

The next regularly scheduled School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 8th at 7 pm. Visit the Crestwood Live page on Youtube to watch via live-stream.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography