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Crestwood School Board News


Mantua – At the last board meeting, Superintendent David Toth asked the board to consider approving placing a request for new revenue on the November 3rd ballot. He reiterated that such a measure was necessary in order to provide the same services and programs to students in light of state budget cuts and inflationary increases. Toth noted the district has been implementing administrative cost-cutting measures, noting that during the 2014-2015 school year where the curriculum director position was reduced, in 2019, the assistant treasurer position was not filled. He noted that In the 2017-2018 academic year, the board elected to cut over $1.4 million from Crestwood’s budget, which encompassed the loss of 12 teaching positions, one administrator, two building aides, and a number of supplemental positions. It also included a pay freeze for administrators and non-bargaining personnel. Lastly, he noted that as of the end of this school year this month, the district has saved roughly $667,000 by electing not to fill two teaching positions, one secretary, one building aide, and reducing the position of surround care administrator.

Toth stated that the last time the district received new money from taxpayers was in 1992 and 2012. He noted that in 2012 the district had 166 full-time employees; the district currently employs 132 full-time employees. He also noted that while the state’s new budget isn’t due out until the first or second week of July, the district expects to receive cuts in state funding due to the pandemic. Those cuts are estimated to range from a minimum of $375,000 to as much as $2 million. He requested that the board ask taxpayers for funding in order to continue to offer the same programs and services to students and families.

After some discussion, the board voted to approve the first step of placing a 1.5% earned income tax levy on the November 3rd ballot. If approved, the levy would raise an estimated $4 million. According to board member Tim Herron, “the timing is not good,” acknowledging financial difficulty due to the pandemic, “However, we need to do something to bring in revenue given the cuts from the state.” He noted, “This is the best option.”

In other news, the board passed a one-year salary freeze for the 2020-2021 academic year. This freeze applies to the Superintendent, Treasurer, Director of Operations, Food Service Supervisor, Transportation Supervisor, Support Services/Maintenance, Director of Pupil Services, and all Principals.

While state guidelines for fall have not yet been determined, the district is currently working on plans based on Federal CDC guidelines that were released in late May. It’s important to note that decisions on what the 2020-2021 school year will look like will be made at the state level through collaboration with local health officials and other authorities.

Lastly, it was noted that summer sports workouts in preparation for the fall season have begun. High school athletes began on June 15th, while Middle School athletes are scheduled to begin on July 5th. In similar news, the track has been painted; painting has been done in the interior of the high school as well. The superintendent expressed interest in scheduling a tour for the School board to show these completed projects, including the addition of a safety vestibule at CHS.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be live-streamed on Tuesday, June 23rd at 7 pm. The public is encouraged to view the meeting via the link available on the district’s website at crestwoodschools.org. Previous board meeting videos and minutes can also be found there.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography