Mantua – At the last Board meeting, Superintendent David Toth shared some information on a new proposal under consideration by State Legislators to consider alternative pathways for students to receive a high school diploma. If you recall, recent changes in graduation requirements had been made that deem that an estimated 30% of Ohio’s high school seniors would not fulfill the revised graduation requirements. Many impacted students are enrolled in vocational school programs. According to Toth, the proposal outlines alternative pathways for high school graduation requirements. Mr. Toth will update board members as more information becomes available.
In other news, Toth shared that Crestwood currently has an online survey in order to gather feedback from the community regarding the District’s Strategic Plans. According to Toth, as of mid-December, the survey had been completed 660 times, with the goal of receiving at least 1,000 responses. If you haven’t yet responded, the survey can be found at the The results will be shared at the January Board meeting.
Lastly, Mr. Toth congratulated Andrea Harris and Holly Rogers as employees of the month. Ms. Harris is employed at CHS, while Ms. Rogers serves as a secretary at CMS.

In Academic news, board member Todd Monroe shared that a Math 24 competition was held at the Intermediate School. He noted that the top six winners would compete against other winners from schools across Portage County this spring. Monroe also noted that the CHS boys basketball team visited CPS to read classes to and answer questions from CPS students. According to Monroe, “the young kids are excited to spend time with the big kids, and the big kids benefit, as well.” Afterward, CPS staff members assembled treat bags for the players to thank them for their time and efforts.
Monroe also shared that math educator Kristen Patton is holding a monthly book study for educators entitled, “Teaching Numbers in the Classroom with Four to Eight-Year-Olds.” This special workshop provides special training to help augment math lessons; teachers who complete this program will be eligible for graduate credit through Ashland University. Lastly, Monroe shared that students from social studies classes at CHS took a field trip this fall to visit Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, Colonial Williamsburg, and other sites of interest.
He also noted that 40 CHS juniors made a college visit to the University of Akron, while members of the Junior/Senior Seminar class volunteered their efforts at a Habitat for Humanity building site in Ravenna. Lastly, he shared that several new after school clubs began at CMS, thanks to a grant that was received. The programs include a Power of the Pen program for sixth graders, life skills programs, and tutoring in a variety of academic subjects. In her Maplewood Report, Board President Bonnie Lovejoy shared that the recent sophomore visitation was successful, with over 200 juniors signed up to attend Maplewood next year.
The next school board meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 8th at the CHS library. The budget hearing will begin promptly at 6 pm, with an Organizational meeting to being at 6:30 pm. The regular board meeting will begin at 7 pm.